
Well Known Member
In the early planning stages of a long cross country to visit my uncle outside Austin. Smithville (84R) and Lockhart (50R) are approximately the same distance from his home. any strong feelings on either airport?
More BBQ places in Lockhart!

If you fly to Smithville, look for the LUECKE name written in trees in the middle of some fields.
I'm based at 3T5, just bit further east from Smithville. Smithville is a nice little airport.....not much goes on there but it is a straight shot down 71 west to get to Austin..

That is easy-Lockhart - home of Kruez BBQ and Plane Talk hanger (if Phil and Ted are still there)!!!

I like the runway at Smithville better than Lockhart. Also, Lockhart gets a lot of student traffic from San Marcos (KHYI).

Btw, I live in Austin and fly out of San Marcos.

Lockhart but I'm biased. Say hi to my CFII. Stenger Air. Louanne is awesome. Also next door Phil knows more about RVs than I will ever learn.