Scott Will

Well Known Member
Phew, the big cut was made without any real problems. Followed what Dan did on his website (thanks for the great pics Dan).

After marking the slice line, taping it up well and cutting, we find that the slice is no longer on the centerline of the rollbar. This makes sense because there was about a 5/8" gap at the rollbar before slicing.

What do you do to make it line back up with the centerline of the rollbar? I removed all the tape and positioned the canopy such that I can make a new trim line on the center of the rollbar. This makes about a 3/16 - 1/4" trim. Is this what we're supposed to do? Also, the rear window will have to have its forward edge matched up.

Just wanted to make sure this trimming is what everyone's doing. Dan mentioned that Van's said you could do some fiberglass work but I'm not into that in this location.

Here are some pics from my website:

What next??!!

Like you, when I did the tip up on my -6A, I wasn't into the fiberglas strip in this location either. I carefully trimmed the rear glass and canopy so that I ended up with nice even gap about the size you mentioned, then super smoothed both edges. I drilled the rear glass to the roll bar, then tapped the holes and installed the rear glass with #6 SS screws and tinneman washers. The holes in the rear glass had to be enlarged enough so the tinneman washer sat flush. I placed a piece of white P-strip under the edge of the rear glass so when I closed the canopy, I had a nice seal, with no fiberglas or metal work.
Sorry I don't have any digital pictures, but might have some at the house I could scan if you'd like. We could go look at it, but we'd have to go to Greenville, it's new home! I bet you've seen it at LZU before though!
Good Luck!
Bill Waters
Former -6A, now a flying -8
Sounds like you are doing just fine. Once I made the split, I just pulled the canopy back and drew a line on it over the center of the roll bar where I wanted the canopy to end. I used Dremel 1/2" sanding drums to sand the canopy to the line and finished with emery and a sanding block. I positioned the rear piece with clecoes and clamps and marked it and finished the same way. It came out really nice, like Bill's, and I also used a P seal and no AL or fiberglass trim.


Once the front half was trimmed up smooth, I clamped the rear half and marked it so it would match the front joint. I used the same reference for marking both pieces so they would fit snuggly together.


Here is the canopy all fitted and ready for the fiberglass leading edge.


Here is the finished canopy. I trimmed the P seal up because it was getting sheared off when the canopy was closed. The vertical part is not needed. I shot this pic tonight. The gap between the front and aft is only about 1/16".

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Thanks Roberta- that looks very good. Sounds like I am heading down the right road! I started doing what you did last night except I used a Dremel cutoff wheel (then my Dremel died).

I should, however, probably work on trimming the front and sides before really finishing the back edge. What did you do in the area where it tucks behind the ears of the C-702 canopy skin - anything special?

Just bevel the edges and maybe a slight contour to get everything to lay nice and flat. This is a stage that takes a lot of time and patience. I bet I had my canopy on and off several dozen times to get the fit that I wanted. Go slow and trim in small increments. The aft window goes a lot easier.

Guys and gals,
You might find it quicker, and easier, to trim the edges of the canopy using a 2 inch Roloc sanding disk on an angle die grinder.
The flat disk can get a straighter edge than a drum.... but work slowly to a line or tape edge with med. or fine disks.

The angle die grinder is easier to use on edges than a straight one...

Try it both ways.... gil in Tucson

Only $20 from Harbor Freight (including the Roloc disk holder) ... a cheap tool will work OK here...


Usual disclaimer... only a Harbor Freight customer....