Rene Bubberman

Well Known Member
Hi group,

We want to use the SL30 as a simple intercom. Now I've received it, and try to get through the installation manual, I note that there is a special intercom mode, activated by a switch.
My question is: is it possible to transmit and receive messages while you are in intercom mode, or do we have to add an audio panel after all to obtain this?
It works as it should

My SL-30 is probably the same for this purpose as your -40.

I installed the extra wire with a panel mounted switch as indicated in the installation manual.
When the switch is open there is no intercom.
When the switch is closed, (completing the ground) there is a simple voice operated intercom. It's an open mike all the time between the two sides. You can still use the radio to transmit and receive normally. I do not have, need or want an audio panel.

My complaint about it is not really about it at all. My secondary headset's mike is picking up noise from the cockpit and there is no good way to set a separate squelch for that. I think the problem is as described by Oregon Aero in their add for a "muff". The noise level exceeds 97 db and thus the noise cancelling feature of the mike is overwhelmed. I am going to try what AO suggests with some paper tape before ordering their product.

So if all you want is an open connection between the two headsets you already have it. If you need fancy stuff, you will need an intercom. I don't think even then you'd need an audio panel. I have a PS501 in my C-150 and no audio panel.

Good luck with yours.
I have an SL-40

and it works great! I just grounded the intercom pin like it says in the manual and the intercom function is always on, just as if you had an intercom system. If you hold down "MON" while turning on radio power, the setup menu comes up which allows you to set squelch for each mic individually, which mics to transmit on, sidetone levels, headphone levels and lots of other stuff, it's all in the user guide. I set the squelch on my two headsets to different levels to cancel the cockpit noise and they both work great.
Why they do it

I think one "needs" an audio panel and/or an intercom for the extra functionality:
- more than one radio
- other audio inputs such as music
- squelch
- control of audio from VOR's, etc.
I think a lot of folks add an audio panel just to get the marker beacon receiver/indicators. For most of our applications there's no need for a full-blown audio panel. I personally went with the DRE 244E intercom because I wanted audio input and I've heard fantastic things about their units (which so far seem to be true).