Stubby Joe

I'm New Here
Greetings to all! I am looking for any guidance and/or referrals or interest/availability for an A&P to conduct a pre-purchase inspection on an RV-8 that is located in the Greater Las Vegas area.

In order to "seal the deal" as the purchaser seeking financing, the pre-buy has become the long-pole before I can take ownership. Furthermore, I live in Reno and although I am familiar with the RV-8 hangared at KHND, I don't know the A&P community very well in the Vegas area.

Additionally, the aircraft is due for a conditional inspection and I'd like to knock out both simultaneously. All logs complete, but the aircraft has NOT flown in over 2-years...definitely needs a thorough inspection of the motor and ideally a mechanic that is familiar with RVs.

Honored to be a part of this wonderful group of Van's enthusiasts and I appreciate any assistance that any of you can provide!

Jason Van Pietersom aka Stubby Joe