
Well Known Member
Mark your Calendars for the Seaside Municipal Airport Fly-In BBQ / Open House September 18 2021!

This is your classic small town fly-in event and usually brings more RVs than anything since a) we're just over the coast range mountains from RV-central, and b) I mostly promote it with EAA chapter 105 and my RV buddies.

I'm hoping to get some FF flyby activity if we can get it; anyone from the OR or WA area groups, please PM me if you're interested and we'll work out how that can be done safely. We're hoping to get a USCG helicopter and local flightseeing guy, maybe other static displays but if history is any guide I wouldn't expect it to get so busy as to be hazardous.

This year we're inviting the public and hoping it doesn't get too crazy -- being past the tourist season it shouldn't be but it's an experiment so we'll see. It would be helpful to get an idea who might be coming so if you think you might attend, please PM me or reply to this thread.

Lunch will be from 12-2 and that's when the public will be invited, but fly-ins are encouraged to come any time (we'll have coffee and donuts in the morning). For those who want to stay overnight Friday or Saturday, several hotels are offering discounts. We'll have those and other details on the airport website soon, www.seasideairport.org.

Updates closer to the event will be forthcoming on this thread.