
Well Known Member
I have a RV4 half-built wing/emp I found for very reasonable nearby. Then I found a salvage also cheap... The wing is obvious, just finish it. The fuselage is teetering on the edge of rebuild/re-kit.


I purchased it cause it probably has enough fitting and bits and bobs to make it worth the ask.

I'd take this down to bulkheads. Straighten them all out then re-skin, maybe $2500 in aluminum. Or for $5,0000 I can buy a fuselage kit from Vans and start from scratch. I'm not sure which to do. Which way would you go and why?

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OooooHhhhh , Start Over

I think you will find the end result to be much more fulfilling than a bunch of "OK" back drilled holes, crooked shop heads cause the hole was stretched etc. You will love the results more. You are going to need a fixture no matter what, my $.02
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For $2500 difference? New kit. Less hassle, and you'll get it back in resale.
I have rebuilt wrecked RV's.
Every time you turn around you are asking yourself why the original builder put a rivet hole there?, etc. Constantly compromising the rebuild to accommodate what was done before.
So my recommendation is reuse what you can of the old where it doesn't have a negative influence and then get a new kit to cover the rest.
I?m also with the Prof..... New kit is..... new. No mistakes, excellent resale value (which shouldn?t be a consideration - but is).
I'm with Scott.

Even if it we're a full match hole RV-8, buying a new kit means no damage history when you get it flying again and down the road when you go to sell it.

Now that you aren't going to rebuild it, you are free to use those bits on a -7, 8, 9, or whatever.

Good luck with your build!
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I?m on my second RV-4. First one was a rebuild and this one I?m on now you might as well call it a rebuild. It was almost to quick build but after getting it home I wound up rebuilding or replacing nearly everything on it. Including the wing spars. I didn?t inspect it well enough so it?s my fault. Never do it again for sure. Can you salvage the good stuff like the roll bar, engine mount, gear legs, flap actuator, tail wheel, fiberglass fairings,etc? That would save a few bucks on a new kit.
I am with Scott on this one. Just one picture but that looks pretty rough. You can find the good stuff and scrap the rest. You always need a piece of AL at some given thickness and you will have plenty in that fuse.

My opinion only from beginner level experience.