
Well Known Member
A progress report was recently posted on the RANS site. Makes you appreciate some of what Van's is accomplishing with the RV-12:

The S-19 is progressing toward the finish, with flight expected in a manner of a few weeks. We are very happy with the plane from the stand point of being well thought out, and easy to assemble, and we expect to be happy with the plane performance and handling wise also. The last weigh in has it coming in at 780 pounds (total empty weight) this is about 30 over the target. There is possibly 30 pounds to shave off in places like the canopy, cowling, nose gear, and part consolidation, all of which will be worked in as running changes. Also this prototype is a well equipped plane with heater, plush seats, lots on the panel, and heavy duty wheels and brakes. Despite the overage we think we will still be in fine shape to offer an SLSA in the plane at some point with either the 0-200 or 0- 235.KIT Pricing:Price of the kits is possibly unrealistic for the level of fit and finish, and most likely we will need to up the kit price. This will be announced in the next 30 days, so if you are sitting on the fence please call Tracy or Paula.
She seems a bit heavy for an LSA. And now they are talking about an O-200 or O-235. Not sure what useful load will be left then. I still am amazed that they are offering them for sale - and have never even flown their demonstrator. Get one soon... the price is going up!

Regardless - I wish them well. From what little we've been able to see, she's purdy. Competition is always good.

Phyrcooler said:
A progress report was recently posted on the RANS site. Makes you appreciate some of what Van's is accomplishing with the RV-12:

She seems a bit heavy for an LSA. And now they are talking about an O-200 or O-235. Not sure what useful load will be left then. I still am amazed that they are offering them for sale - and have never even flown their demonstrator. DJ
Yes, that is heavy. They might want to look at the Jabiru to reduce weight. And when's the last time that the published empty weight was correct?
Flip Top and/or slider...

I see where Ran's S-19 has a slider canopy and the RV-12 is planned with a flip top, just wondering if we may have a choice in the future development of the RV-12. Is it possible for a pilot wearing a parachute to exit a flip top canopy in an emergency, or would air flow disallow that? Either way, I'll wait for the RV-12.
Just found out my homeowner's association will not allow an assembly of an aircraft in my home's 2 car attached garage. Guess I'll have to look for a build location somewhere in the Sarasota-Bradenton, FL area...might look into a build assistance program at my wife's behest...she doesn't have too much confidence in my ability even though the RV-12 should be easier than most other RV's to assemble...either way I have 6-9 months to figure that one out.
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I just got around to looking at the latest S-19 updates and I'll say it again- IF Rans pulls it off and manages to get that kit on the market, it will set the bar incredibly high for anyone else that puts a LSA style kit on the market including Vans! That thing does look like it will handle about 12Gs! I'm sure it won't be cheap but the best usually isn't. So my question is, am I being jaded by the pretty pictures on there website or is the S-19 really that much better looking/tougher than anything in it's "weight class"? To me the only other plane that looks that "good" would be Dan Johnson's Ultralight version of the RV9- the rest of them look like something a 7th grader built, then let the dog chew on for a while.....

JerryG150 said:
Just found out my homeowner's association will not allow an assembly of an aircraft in my home's 2 car attached garage. Guess I'll have to look for a build location somewhere .

There's very airplane friendly live-in/fly-in community just 30 miles south of Savannah named Eagle Neck. Several RV's there and more under construction. Also a 3400' paved runway. Identifier 1GA0. On the beautiful marsh. ;)

Life's too short for that kinda nonsense....

JerryG150 said:
..... Just found out my homeowner's association will not allow an assembly of an aircraft in my home's 2 car attached garage. ....

So don't assemble it there, just build the components, then haul them to the assembly area. Pulled rivet construction is quicker, easier and quieter. No one would know if you don't leave your garage open.