
Well Known Member
I will be down in Texas from Canada from January 13 til January 16. I am building a rv9a but have never flown in one. I also would like to experience the different procedures in the US and Canada. If anyone has a rv9or 9a I would be more than happy to buy fuel and maybe lunch. I will be about 20 minutes south of San Antonio. ( by car )

Text 519 509 28 four seven.

Jack Zeinstra
I'm at 53T south San Antonio with an RV9A, I'm out of town from the 12-18, but I'm sure if my partner is available he could accommodate. He lives on the field. I will text you his information. David
I am in San Antonio as well (8T8) with an RV-9A. If you are still looking for a ride let me know. I have a very open schedule.

Thanks to all who posted and offered a ride in their rv9a. I did a random pick and Brian Cheney got the short straw, and was contacted.

We flew his nicely appointed rv9a from New Braunfels KBAZ to Llano KAQO for some authentic Texas BBQ! The plane is very nice to fly and covers ground much faster than my current ride. (pa-38 tomahawk) The visibility is great, the plane is very stable with no downside that I could find. It certainly motivates me in my build. Thanks Brian.

Texas BBQ is also good enough that i may have to make a long cross country flight for when my rv9a (C-FEES) is finished!

Jack Zeinstra