I have just purchased unfinished project and this bottom cowl has 4x6 inch opening in front of the bottom cowl is this OK to put filter there for direct air flow
I have just purchased unfinished project and this bottom cowl has 4x6 inch opening in front of the bottom cowl is this OK to put filter there for direct air flow

A photo would tell a lot.

In general, any combustion air opening below the spinner must be sealed to the engine intake tract so that no dynamic pressure can reach the lower cowl volume.

Put another way, any opening below the spinner which can raise pressure in the low cowl volume will reduce deltaP across the engine fins, and thus reduce cooling.
I have just purchased unfinished project and this bottom cowl has 4x6 inch opening in front of the bottom cowl is this OK to put filter there for direct air flow

As Dan noted, it would be helpful to see a picture of what you have.
It sounds like you have a vertical induction (carbureted) cowl and a horizontal induction FI engine. The big challenge with this combo is the distance between the cowl inlet and the front of the servo - you have to fit some sort of filtration system in a very tight space. Not impossible, but will be a big challenge, & totally CUSTOM.
You could cut off the lower cowl snorkel, re contour the lower cowl, & adapt the normal Vans Horiz servo fiberglass snorkel ducting feeding air from the left cooling air inlet (easiest solution).
Vertical injection

Sorry don’t how to post a picture but what I have is vertical injection I have build a rectangle box in front off intake with a filter in font and seal the cowl so air can only go injection control I also put alternate air on the side
Sorry don’t how to post a picture but what I have is vertical injection I have build a rectangle box in front off intake with a filter in font and seal the cowl so air can only go injection control I also put alternate air on the side

Attaching pictures is easy these days. Click on the “paper clip” icon at the top of your post, follow the instructions.