
Well Known Member
Was watching my team, formerly know as the Chiefs, and saw a flyover during the pre-game. The planes look like RV's. Was this the same group that did this last year? They looked great!

Tom RV-7A
Pink Smoke for Breast Cancer over Arrowhead

KC Flight , with Falcon Flight, West Coast Ravens, Cincy River Rats, & Hawks, oh yeah and Pooner put up 17 planes to kick off the Chiefs Ravens game.
Pink Smoke for Breast Cancer over Arrowhead

Oh yeah, we were able to present a check on the field, for $10,000.00 for breast cancer research to the University of Kansas Hospital.
RV formation over Chiefs-Ravens Football game

So I was watching the Chiefs-Ravens football game yesterday and right before kickoff they showed what looked to me like a lot of RVs in a big delta formation do a fly-over. Was I wrong?
RV formation over Chiefs-Ravens Football game?

So I was watching the Chiefs-Ravens football game yesterday and right before kickoff they showed what looked to me like a lot of RVs in a big delta formation do a fly-over. Was I wrong?


That was KC Flight Formation Team and other RV owners, it was for Breast Cancer awareness. You can probably check out their facebook page for more pictures.

Jenny Estes
RV Formation Over Chiefs/Ravens Game

You're correct-the 17-ship flight was part of Breast Cancer Awareness events for the area, so the planes had pink smoke on their wingtips for a National Anthem pass.

KC Flight was joined by others from the West Coast Ravens, Falcon Flight, The Hawks, and the Cincy River Rats to form an giant Arrowhead (as in Arrowhead Stadium).

The combined flight also presented a check later at the stadium.

Details (including photos of the wingtip smoke mounts) are on several Facebook pages:
KC Flight,
CheckSix Photography (a photo series),
Robin Czerwonka's photos (including a passenger's view of the smoke and the check presentation).

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Perfectly centered over the scoreboard/goal post

blowing PINK smoke. It was very bumpy air, but the pilots did an excellent job.


Excellent! Well done. Please tell us about that wingtip smoke. How'd you activate it?
Great show guys.
Should of stayed on field to help the CHIEFS.

Tell Boomer II --hey