
Well Known Member
I made some panel labels. I borrowed my wife's Brother Label Maker and made these clear labels with black print. (I think she bought a pink one so I wouldn't use it.)


Here are the labels over the panel switches. It ain't fancy, but it will work. It's a little tough trying to get them in a straight line over the switches. I suppose that I could have made one long label, but that would have wasted a lot of tape, time and bad words. You don't really know what you've got until you hit the "print" button. Even with individual labels, a lot of labels ended up in the trash, because of long words and choosing the wrong font and font size.


Two more. Here's my input for music and a switch to turn on the cabin speaker that hooked to the Comm. I used to worry about how all this electrical stuff was going to work. Van's wiring harness and detailed drawings really made this an easy task, especially for a computer guy who knows nothing about electronics.

It's not pink it's CORAL like VAF scooter :D. Looking good Smitty could fit in an art gallery.
Depending on how anal your DAR is, you may also have to indicate which direction in ON and OFF. Hate to complicate things for you, looks good so far!
Depending on how anal your DAR is, you may also have to indicate which direction in ON and OFF. Hate to complicate things for you, looks good so far!

You know that because you observed MY inspection don't you?:D
Anybody have an example of the "on/off" label thing, or can explain where to put it?

BTW: For anybody that's interested, I been working on a library of instructional videos from various sources that apply to RV building. I've tried to put them into categories to make it easier to find a video that fits a particular subject matter:
Here is a partial picture. My panel has a label at the end of the row of labels indicating UP is on and down is OFF. So you only need one ON and OFF label near the end of the row.

Does anyone know if Smitty ever finished his RV-9A?

I used the heck out of his site to build mine. It was a sad day when I passed him on the build and couldn't use his site as my go to anymore.

I had been wondering about Smitty as well. When I started building in 2011 his was the best build site out there. Like you though I passed his build. He got me through the early parts though.
Project sold?

I was under the impression that he sold the project.

His was a very useful site during the earlier parts of my build.