Avionics access

Only took once trying to connect the d-subs to the EFIS and it was time to cut.

Mock up

Found a junk case and crank. That way I can keep moving on cowl.
Still shopping for en engine. Waiting for a deal. All else fails I'll buy new.

Still would like to see yours.
More pictures

The wife says its starting to look like an airplane

Installing the intake ramps per Dan Horton

I think it needs more screws

Built cowl attach at firewall with nutplates. Realized that those would be a deterrent to pulling the cowl. Made the investment in Skybolts. Had to be creative in adapting the tabs designed for nutplates.

Found a junk case and crank. That way I can keep moving on cowl.
Still shopping for en engine. Waiting for a deal. All else fails I'll buy new.

Still would like to see yours.

I'm not sure what your schedule is like, mine is pretty open now since retiring. Hit me up so we can coordinate something. I'll show you my 8 (Lincoln) and we can go for a flight as well, WX permitting. That will motivate you.

BTW, I need one, possibly two, transfers of rock with all the rain and what not.

If you ever need an extra hand working on your 8 let me know.
Kent has been bitten

You will have your own project thread here soon. Unless I have second thoughts....:rolleyes:

For those who are following my project, I purchased a bent -7A for the engine.

Kent has committed to bringing her back to life. Should be a very rewarding pursuit.
You will have your own project thread here soon. Unless I have second thoughts....:rolleyes:

For those who are following my project, I purchased a bent -7A for the engine.

Kent has committed to bringing her back to life. Should be a very rewarding pursuit.

NO second thoughts! I should be on the road in a few days Blain!

Landed in Oregon

The -7A is in Portland. Currently on display for the neighbors to oggle...on the trailer. I am sure they are as stoked as I am!

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I'm expecting a new thread with pictures of hundereds of rivets drilled out!
Time to get in and make airplane noises

Stick bend works out perfect for my arm length

Flightline interiors back of seat storage pouch and her custom stick boot made to my pattern
Final assembly

I hope this to be last last time the panel has to be out before ph 1.
Crow bling

Can't sit inside and make airplane noises without being properly restrained....Crow with cam lock.
Spinner paint

About 1/2 way through filling pinholes I reconsidered ordering an aluminum Cummins. Now that the paint is polished out I feel better about fiberglass.
Final paining

I can honestly say I've had enough paint, fiberglass and sandpaper for a while. Lower cowl is the last item. Even came out well. Not a curtain to be found!
Another boost

A boost to the enthusiasm. Upper cowl just sitting in place. Green stripes are masking tape protecting paint when fitting cowl.

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I'm thinking silver-gray stripe but haven't decided on a style yet.
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Fine tuning

Having a second go at some of the areas I'm not satisfied with before we go to the hangar.
Seal rubber was too tight. Removed rubber and all adhesive. Trimmed the root. Way better now.

A lower set of guide holes for smaller feet.

Moved restrictor fitting to aft port. Don't know why anyone would use the side port.

Thanks for the kind words.

Thinking about some type of silver or grey vinyl stripe. Got any ideas?

Primary training emphasizes checklists. Built this handy little book from the POH that was someone else's hard work.
Includes pre-flight, run up, normal maneuvers and emergencies. Laminated and bound thanks to the wife's craft supply.

Aviation Safety

Thank you for your part in improving aviation safety. Your Checklist looks very professional, easy to use and well done! If used, Checklists can force the pilot into a more complete approach to each different phase of flight......just my two cents....😎