Well Known Member
Hi, all --

I've planned builders' meetings each year at Oshkosh for us to get together, meet and swap lies. It's worked pretty well -- each year, Danny King comes up with new yarns about how fast the Doll can go. By my calculation, it's topping 350kts by now ... :)

For those of you who are not followers of the Yahoo or Matronics forums, I wanted to issue a general invitation for all other builders to join in. We've had two meetings in years past, but the second one is usually sparsely attended or canceled entirely. We're only planning one this year.

I received responses from several builders/peelots requesting TUESDAY as our meeting day. Nobody requested Wednesday, although several said that either would be OK.

THEREFORE, be it here decreed that the RV-8/-8a Official Builders' Meeting will be held at 9:00am, Tuesday July 26th, at the base of some yet-to-be-selected tree at the Theater in the Woods. All current/past/prospective RV-8/-8a builders are welcome! Spread the word. If you know of another forum where RV-8 builders hang out, feel free to pass the word there as well. Let's have a GREAT turnout!

Be there or be square...

Tuesday, July 26th
Theater in the Woods

-- Don McNamara