
Active Member
This has been on my bucket list since I was a teenager and now, finally, I have the time and the financial resources to fullfil the dream. And a supportive wife is a big bonus too. Last Christmas she bought me the preview plans, DVDs and the practice toolbox and said something like "How about you get a bloody move on with this!" So I did. But there was one small problem to fix before I could get started - I had nowhere to build an aircraft! It was time to build a shed/workshop/man (van) cave/whatever you may like to call it. It's done now and as I look at it completed I'm kinda thinkin' I'll call it the Taj Mahal! Many thanks to Robyne and the team at Clearspan Builders in Queanbeyan who did a great job. Here's a quick look at the shed build.

the old carport - site for the shed
That, sir, is not a shed. It is clearly an airplane factory!
Congratulations and best of luck on your build.
Thanks Lemmingman - I'm still coming to grips with posting pics here - stay tuned:)
how did they get that thing in my driveway???

get that concrete laid!

concrete set
And now the best bit

Well the day my shed was completed was the day my empennage kit arrived in Sydney. I picked it up there to save on the freight costs to Canberra.

Who knew an empennage kit would fit in a Hyundai Getz?

And home safe and sound

Now to finish fitting out the shed and get to work:)
Thanks Mike .. I've been lurking here for about 6 months and this is just the most amazing resource for RV builders.

G'day Warbo,

Congratulations on the aircraft factory & kit.

If you are the Warbo I remember then you will enjoy the build & flying.

Call for a yarn - 0418 570768


G'day Warbo,

Congratulations on the aircraft factory & kit.

If you are the Warbo I remember then you will enjoy the build & flying.

Call for a yarn - 0418 570768


I remember the day I first brought parts into the garage :) We share your excitement ... yay!!

I'm sure we'll share many more build stories and photos over the coming years!

Cheers, Stu

F1 Rocket (VH-FLY)

Still getting the workshop in shape. I built the mezzanine over a period of about a week and the shed now has lighting and power - thank goodness. I was getting really tired of running an extension cord in there to do any work. Here's a couple of pics of the mezzanine.


And finally I have completed the inventory on the empennage kit.
Would love to see it finished in no time but it seems at the moment all my efforts are focussed on getting the shed kitted out just the way I want it. It seems to be a very long road to actually getting started on the build. Don't think I'll try squeezing a jumbo in there though. ;)
Nice Factory!!

That mezzanine is smart, you will need that to store finished parts. And when you get to the FWF, the canopy, cowling etc you will need the storage AND floor space.

When you hang finished parts, be sure to cover them with some water proof covering. I my basement it is amazing how water drops will form and drip on parts and over time that becomes an issue. I learned this the soft way. Effect, but no damage.
workshop progress - floor tiles laid

Completed the flooring for the workshop .. don't try this when the weather is cold or your workshop is not heated - tiles snap together really easily when they are warm .. found this out the hard way :mad:

Gidday Ian?.my mate Warbo is David?.Moree variety. Are you related?

Have fun building the -7 :)

Bob Redman is a lot closer to you than me?so I vote he goes to help you build ;)
Don't think I'm related to the Moree Warbo David. And I'm voting with you for Bob to help with the build. He gets free board and beer when he comes. :D

Enjoy the build! Saw Bob's RV last year in Maitland and it really helped with the motivation. Just finished gluing the tip up canopy and survived the big cut with no cracks so far. seemed like yesterday the Emp kit arrived. Sometimes the hardest thing is to get started. After that it just gets a life of its own!
VAF rocks! Sooooo helpful.
Hey Warbo V2.0,

Just in case you do not know, Bob (Rags) is an ex RAN and RAAF fighter guy, he has a very HUGE??as much as he is humble and will deny it, but he has a HUGE reputation and I have seen him first hand in the cockpit?.from a few metres away, so his flying is not in dispute.

his building by evidence of a RV& registered in his name is rather tidy too.

But as for beer??..

we have a common friend or three, so keep lots of


on hand :D
Hmmm, not sure about the Warbo V2.0 tag .. if I'm older than the Moree Warbo then I'm going to claim the Warbo V1.0 title ;)

I've known Rags for a while .. he was instructing when I went through 2FTS in the late 70s :)

G'day folks,

David Brown is a gregarious bloke, passionate about life, & aviation in particular. Like most of us he has his idiosyncrasies. Some of you may have noticed that, occasionally, he lapses into hyperbole.

I have never been a fighter pilot. I have had the honour of serving in two fighter wings, but that was because a fighter pilot noticed a has-been and never-quite-made-it chopper pilot reservist asleep in a O's mess arm chair with a newspaper in his lap. He recognised me, noticed signs of life, and offered me a job in his HQ because he could not find any spare fighter pilots.

As to talent - you are only as good as your last landing - it was adequate.

Two flights in two months is a contributing factor. I need to fly more.

Gents, thanks for the kind words about me and the aircraft, although we both are showing signs of hangar rash.

Warbo - always available for free advice, and a yarn.

David - Blemish will be staying here tonight, and both of us will be at a reunion in Sydney Friday/Saturday - do not disturb before Sunday arvo ! Enjoy Oshkosh.

Rob - good to hear of your progress.

Best regards,
Latest tool DRDT-2

Only a few more tools needed now - well at this stage anyway. Stu Hutchison turned up at my desk this morning carrying this!


Got the Front End Kit from Experimental Aero but the cost of shipping the frame to Australia was outrageously expensive so Stu offered to build the frame for me. Stu is building a Rocket (at the 90/90 stage now) and has every tool known to man (and probably some not known to man!) but he is also brilliant at building anything, as you can see. Many thanks Stu.

If you live in Australia and want one of these without having to pay a fortune in shipping costs get in touch with Stu and he'll knock one up for you. He has an ad in the classifieds on the SAAA website.
Well the day my shed was completed was the day my empennage kit arrived in Sydney. I picked it up there to save on the freight costs to Canberra.

Who knew an empennage kit would fit in a Hyundai Getz?

And home safe and sound

Now to finish fitting out the shed and get to work:)
G'day Ian,

How did you get your kit delivered to Aus. Air or Sea. Who with?

About bloody time!

Well, I've been slowly getting my workshop organised. It seems like there's always something else that has to be sorted before I start building. And while I've had that mindset it seems like the time has gotten away from me and I still haven't lifted a tool to actually begin the build ... until yesterday. I figured if I didn't do something soon I would end up spending the next few years setting up the perfect workshop. So I'm pleased to say that I have now knocked over Step 1 in the build instructions. How many hundreds (or is it thousands?) more to go?? I'm reminded of the ancient Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu, who said "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Here's to the journey.

Here's a couple of pics.

Break the edges of the HS-609PP - before

Break the edges of the HS-609PP - after

Round the ends of the HS-609PP bars

Been a while since I posted here but I have been making progress albeit very slowly. I got to the step in the plans instructions that said, "Congratulations! You've finished the first major sub-assembly on your new airplane." Figured I should post a pic :)

Completed HS

Nice job Ian!
I finished mine a couple of weeks ago. It is a good feeling when you finish a part and you are one step closer to finishing.
You should fly through the VS. I did that first, so am now onto the rudder.
Better progress

Well, after taking nearly a year to build the horizontal stabiliser, I’ve managed to increase the pace a bit. Vertical stabiliser took 18 days and 24 build hours. Now, if I can keep this up I might finish this aircraft in a respectable amount of time.
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Big Day

Bit of a milestone day recently with the arrival of my QB wings and fuselage - just two weeks short of a year since I ordered and paid my deposit. Many thanks to the Van's folks and also especially Phil and Indy and the team at Aussie Car Imports who looked after all the shipping arrangements. Everything went very smoothly and was completely hassle free. I got the word on the Friday at 1130am that my shipment had cleared customs and quarantine in Sydney. At 0630 the next morning after a three and a half hour drive from Canberra I was at the shipping agent loading my crates on my trailer. I must admit to being a little anxious on the long drive home, imagining every thing that could possibly go wrong. All went well though and I was very happy to have this load in my driveway.


I had to wait a day to unload though while I organised a few friends to help unload. Pretty happy to get the lid off and check out the goodies.

And of course the obligatory 'hop inside and make aeroplane noises'!!

After getting rid of all the crating material I made up a temporary stand so I could move the fuselage easily around the workshop. I know it looks dodgy but it is surprisingly stable.

On with the build!
Congrats on the shop

and nice shop that it is.

Say good bye to life as you knew it as you begin a journey that will appear to have no end sometimes, yet, one day you will be in YOUR airplane committing to postive rate of climb in First Flight!


That is a great looking plane! QB looks like a good way to go from where I am standing...

Good luck and have fun!