Snowy RA

I'm New Here
I have just had a new paint job on my RV4, the canopy has had a crack in it for some time but the previous owner had managed seal it some how. My problem is the crack has now opened up and is about 8" long and has been drilled to prevent the crack going any further, it is not in a place that causes any problem except for the passenger in the rear. Can any one advise me the best way to repair this crack.
plastic canopy repair

Here is a link to a company in the U.S.A. that has stills and video of repairs. The rebuilt a WWII B-25J top turret in one example on how to do repairs. The site is I know this is years past your request, but maybe of some help anyway.
I recall some say to mix a slurry of acetone and plexiglass scrapping to make a filler paste. You might search on the Matronics List to find more info.
Search this site for Plastifix. Several members have used plastifix for crack repair.
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