Tony Spicer

Well Known Member
Big week this week- on the scales and first engine start. Very big smile.

Guessed the weight would be 780 lbs, but I'm sure not going to start pulling things off the airframe because it came in 12 lbs heavier than that. CG spread on the -3 is right at 5 inches. With a 100 lb pilot (fat chance!), 30 gal of fuel, and no baggage, it's right on the forward limit. With a 215 lb pilot, 8 gal of fuel and 45 lbs of baggage it's right on the aft limit. O-320, Catto 2 blade and battery up against the firewall.

Didn't start on the first blade- think it was when the first piston hit TDC. Couldn't get off the start PB fast enough. Now to figure out why the max rpm is 1100. Dynon D-180 with pulses per rev set on 2.

Still need to finish the spinner. The paperwork goes off to the FAA Monday.

Way to go Tony!!!

Great news! Looked at your photo album pics again and notice the pics of Col. Spicer. Very, very nice.

Well Done

Hi Tony,

Glad to hear the first flight went so well, but I'm not at all surprised. Looks like you do great work!

Tony, Mucho congrats!! Looks great. So, peformance is acceptable?:) Hope to hear more about it. Couldn't ask for better Wx today in NC...hope you're up. Happy flying.

Hi Tony,

Wow, congratulations! I remember an in-depth phone phone conversation with you a couple of years ago when you were considering whether to build a -3B or not. Glad you did?

Test it throroughly, let us know how it goes, and fly safe!
Hi Tony,

Wow, congratulations! I remember an in-depth phone phone conversation with you a couple of years ago when you were considering whether to build a -3B or not. Glad you did?

Test it throroughly, let us know how it goes, and fly safe!

Yep, I remember it well. At least I know where to assign blame. Thanks again!

I'll start a new thread and post some numbers next week.


Way to go Tony!! Let us know. Also ...How about one of you guys up there sell me a weigh in with the fancy scales. Will need that very soon.

Thanks, and fly safe...Chris
Welcome to the club

Congrats Tony,
Chalk one more up for the previously Sonex builder/pilots, now RV builder/pilots. After selling my Sonex, I finished building an RV-6 which now has 53 hours. Isn't Jack Lockamy another member of this Sonex to RV thing? Any others? I'm starting to build another Sonex from scratch while I fly the -6. They are fun to build and a lot cheaper too.
Ron Voss
N642R RV-6 angle valve O-320 w/ Catto 3 blade
I was wondering about the Sonex also

Tony, congratulations on your first flight. I recognized your name on the forum from your Sonex DVD. Really enjoyed that! Thanks for doing it. Hopefully you will do another when the RV3 is all finished.
What happened to the Sonex and how does it compare to the RV products? I was very impressed with the sound of that Jab 3300 starting and running.