Switching syndromes...


Glider pilots usually suffer from "Jonathan Livingston Seagull Syndrome"...

You must not be flying your Nimbus enough....:D

gil A
Growing up

As a kid in the South of England is exactly why I ended up building airplanes..i was digging up a Spitfire from the beaches of Dover and restoring it you see!

Perfectly normal...Exept I didn't see your 3 go upside down!!!...Thats just weired!..:)

Neat video and different than most!

But you really need to smile a bit; you're flying an RV, not having a root canal! :D
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Nice Video Alex, there's not one person out there who didn't start with a dream. I was blessed to witness the first F-16 (unofficial) test flight in 1974 while working for NASA part time in High School at Edwards AFB. Fourteen years later I would be the one flying it, for 20 more years...

Rob Ray
RV3, RV4 formerly
HR2 currently...

BTW, here's a cool video you might enjoy...

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