
Well Known Member
New guy posting. Just looking for some prodding to getting a 3B started. I built (what was unofficially called back then) a 3A back in the late 80's. Flew it a couple of years then sold it. I've since built a 6, 7, (2) 7A QBs, 8QB and 9A QB. The newer kits really have it over the old ones. Whew! It makes me almost cringe at what I went thru on my 3, being a complete neophyte builder. It will be pretty much the same I understand if I do it again.

Anyway, I sure do miss flying the 3. Plus I've had my share of whizbang gizmos in the cockpit. I think I'm ready for a basic day/night VFR, wood prop sport plane.

Somebody, please get me going or shoot me down.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Actually, I've had a copy of that Air Progress article for many years. It was the prod I needed back then to decide on the RV-3 in the first place. It'll probably work just as well again.
Rv-3 Prod

Welcome and here is another prod! You could not have chosen a better time as there is a real resurgence of people building RV-3B's at the moment. There a number of us in prgress at the moment and there are a number of web sites and picture galleries to help - none better than Randy's at which also provides a number of links to other useful RV-3 sites, so there is plenty of support and experience around. The RV-3 forum is great and all those on board and who post are universally helpful and really enjoying the build.

I have only built an RV-7 before starting the 3. This experience has made all the difference, I can visualise how RV's are put together and can therefore much more easily work around the various 'idiosynchracies' in the plans and the kit. With your background it should be a breeze!

were you hoping to buy an rv3 or build one again?
I am actually looking at an RV3a after work today. There is a small town old man here that built three rv3s back in the 80s. He finished his in 92' flew it for about 180 hours and he lives on a little grass strip and it has just been sitting in a hangar for the past 3 years because he is in too bad of health to fly it.
I am hoping it is worth my time for the price range he wants. I plan to take some pics of it, and post them here. He said it is in great flying shape, just needs an annual and little maintenance.

His is an RV3a... what was the "A" model? Just a wing mod?
were you hoping to buy an rv3 or build one again?
I am actually looking at an RV3a after work today. There is a small town old man here that built three rv3s back in the 80s. He finished his in 92' flew it for about 180 hours and he lives on a little grass strip and it has just been sitting in a hangar for the past 3 years because he is in too bad of health to fly it.
I am hoping it is worth my time for the price range he wants. I plan to take some pics of it, and post them here. He said it is in great flying shape, just needs an annual and little maintenance.

His is an RV3a... what was the "A" model? Just a wing mod?

Link to Randy's site, and look at History. There you will find the links that talk about the different spar variants. Let us know what you find on that machine.

Mlok - Welcome to the resurgence. I can hear Ken Scott groaning from here.!! (great guy by the way)
You've probably already been to Randy Lervold's website about the various RV-3 wing mods. But the "3A" (prior to any nose gear versions from Van's) was a design mod to the rear spar attach point. It was significantly beefed up over the original design.

I have toyed with the idea of buying a completed RV-3 but I'd have to replace the wings. The 3B wing is a far better design. It was, at one time at least, the policy at Van's to supply any exisitng RV-3 a new set of 3B wings at cost, just to get the new wing on older airplanes. You'd have to call them to see if it still is. However, to install a new set of wings and center section in an existing fusleage would be quite a task. It's not that much more time consuming to build a complete fuselage. Might as well just build the whole airplane.

And BTW, I know Ken Scott pretty well, and he is a great guy.

Mitch Lock
were you hoping to buy an rv3 or build one again?
I am actually looking at an RV3a after work today. There is a small town old man here that built three rv3s back in the 80s. He finished his in 92' flew it for about 180 hours and he lives on a little grass strip and it has just been sitting in a hangar for the past 3 years because he is in too bad of health to fly it.
I am hoping it is worth my time for the price range he wants. I plan to take some pics of it, and post them here. He said it is in great flying shape, just needs an annual and little maintenance.

His is an RV3a... what was the "A" model? Just a wing mod?

FWIW There is a fellow who built a couple of 3's that were sold and all had wing seperations. FAA and Vans determined rivets were left out and build was not to plans. Hopefully your source is not the same guy but its worth a little investigation. I think Vans could provide you with a little more info.
Good luck
Tin Man
The guy I think you're talking about died in one of the three he built. 2 of the three had wing failures and the third was owned by a guy in South Carolina who was killed doing low-level acro in his other plane (a Midget Mustang). The third one has the wing mods done according to the logs (I looked at it and almost bought it a few years ago when his widow was selling it.)

FWIW There is a fellow who built a couple of 3's that were sold and all had wing seperations. FAA and Vans determined rivets were left out and build was not to plans. Hopefully your source is not the same guy but its worth a little investigation. I think Vans could provide you with a little more info.
Good luck
Tin Man