
I'm New Here
Hello, allow me to introduce myself! Long time lurker, first time poster here. I'd like to start by thanking Doug and all the members of this forum. I've learned so much just from the resources available here.

My dad got me into aviation as a kid when he bought a Piper Cherokee, but not an autopilot. Thus began a long tradition of following VOR needles before I could see over the panel. After graduating college, I started thinking about ownership, and building. I worked my way through most of the options, namely Zenith and Vans. After defining my mission, and with the recognition that I'll probably only build one, I decided on the RV-14A.

I've already made some progress; shop set up, mostly finished the vertical stabilizer, and begun work on the rudder.

I'm pretty happy with my shop setup, though I'm going to need some more storage sooner than later to hold finished parts.

The vertical stabilizer is mostly done, short of riveting on the skin.


I'm holding off on the final riveting for the skin until I can arrange for a Tech Councilor to inspect the assembly. The local EAA chapter came out and took a look at the work thus far, but its my understanding that an EAA Councilor has some more specific procedures, and some forms I should get filled out.

I've also started on the rudder assembly, and I'm about ready to rivet the stiffeners to the skins.


I've got a blog going with a few posts about my progress, so if you'd like to read more, feel free to take a look!


Finally, if anyone knows a good tech councilor in central Texas willing to make a trip for an inspection, I'd appreciate it if you could PM it to me!
I think I need to drill it out.

Hey gurus! I'm concerned that I haven't deburred some components enough. I've posted in depth about this whole deal on the blog, but I'd like a second opinion. Should I drill out this stiffener and touch it up?


In other news, some progress has been made, two steps forward, one step back I suppose!


Check out the blog for more details.

Thank you all for your help, I appreciate your expertise!