E. D. Eliot

Well Known Member
:D Some kind of fun - Since I plan that my first RV will be an RV-12, I am having fun deciding on the various options of equipment and what my 12 should look like, etc. I can't wait to get started later this year.

So it comes to mind that it would make perfect sense (to me at least) that the next aircraft from Van's Aircraft would follow in the footsteps of the progression of the RV-7 to the RV-8. Same or similar flying surfaces, etc. Still an ELSA with the following attributes:

* Tandem seating
* Tail dragger
* Lycoming engine

And the list goes on - what are your ideas?
Speculating about the future is fun.

RV-13: Single-seater, aerobatic capable, taildragger LSA.
RV-14: Swing-wing, tandem seating, Mach 2, carrier borne, long range interceptor. Nose gear.
RV-15: High wing STOL.
I think the RV13 will look something like this:
