
Well Known Member
While I am normally content to read and learn from all the posters here on VAF - occasionally it is important to go right to the source. So I sent an email to Van's - which was answered promptly by Tom Green.

In response to a request for an "update" on the RV-12:
We are looking at a December roll out for the RV-12 "final" version. This will unfortunately be a little weather dependent because we will have to accomplish a thorough flight testing sequence before we offer the plane.

In regards to the availability of a "Quick-build":
<snip>.... initially there will not be a quickbuild kit...., this is something we cannot avoid as until we have the kits, we can't produce a QB.... probably 3-4 months later for the arrival of a QB version. Some things have become apparent though in our building of these airplanes, the construction is so fast that the "value" to the customer of the QB version won't be as impressive. What we might do is to advance the QB more toward a nearly finished product (something we can do under the LSA rules)... in that case we may need a little more time to bring the first saleable QB product to market.
It appears that the folks at Van's are being as thorough as usual - including not being in a rush to fly off the hours and start demo's and sales. A QB will be coming, which I see as good news. I'll have to judge whether I will take them up on their standard kit... or spring for a QB at that time (which is my gut check feeling).

Now if they will admit to a few rolls and loops and spins during testing, and maybe show it as stressed for a bit more than just a "Utility" classification... :D

"Thank-you" to Tom for the updated info.


Excellent News!! :D I will also be interested in hearing how the kits will be divided (will the tail kit and wing kit be combined? Will the entire airframe be one kit?).

I am also really looking forward to seeing the "final" version and if it looks any different (doubtful, I guess).

I can't wait!! :D
I think it may come in one big box

I was reading Aero-news or AvWeb (I forget which one), and they posted the details of an interview they had with a Van's rep at Oshkosh and he indicated that they were leaning toward selling it as complete kit (like the way Sonex does) :eek:

His reason was they (Vans) was anticipating the kit going together so fast, it would cause more of a delay building it in the same fashion as the other RVs (<order, wait> Tail kit, <order, wait>Wing Kit, <order, wait>Fuse kit, <order, wait>Finish kit).

If this holds true, I will be kind of disappointed, as I would prefer to build in stages and keep all the vehicles in the garage for as long as possible and not have a huge crate full of parts in the way as i build.

I also would think it would let more builders begin building with the funds they currently have as opposed to having to stroke a check for $15k+ upfront. I know its easier for me to pinch out 3k or 4k here and there without the wife getting upset because her shopping funds are being depleted en mass (hey, wait...on second thought... :rolleyes: )

Hopefully word gets back to them and they offer it both ways.
Rolls and Loops = GOOD!

Phyrcooler said:
Now if they will admit to a few rolls and loops and spins during testing, and maybe show it as stressed for a bit more than just a "Utility" classification... "

Hear, hear! :D

Today while I riveted the horizontal and completed an elevator I was lamenting that most kit manufactures send you the hardest part of the aircraft to build first. The tail feathers are in fact the hardest part to build, and I believe that most people that give up are simply overcome by finesse these babes take. For what it is worth we build the fuselage first including canopy and start firewall forward, tail feathers second and wings third, systems last. Really, what a better place to store completed parts than on the fuselage where you don?t have to move them so much? right on VAN'S for getting the whole aircraft out at once.

By the way I did build a Sonex once, what a

Noel Simmons
jeff beckley said:
If Van's would have sent me the canopy first. (I think it was the hardest part)
Then I would have given up.

Yah the scary thing about the canopy is the 800 + 250 S&H. Were as the tail kit at 3500+ coming to approximately $700.00 a section, not a whole lot of difference, but then perception is an individualistic thing.