
Well Known Member
Just completed a proper test flight on the Rocket one week shy of 3 years since last flight. No major issues. Was most worried about keeping new cylinders cool enough for break in (August, So Cal desert), but it appears my cooling mods are effective. Highest CHT I saw was a relatively benign 377. This is after full throttle, 2600 RPM for an hour. Oil temps slowly kept creeping on me and I was going to "knock it off" at 235, but it topped at 229.

Still have a raw, unfinished induction scoop inlet, but even still I was able to match my (super clean, Reno race Rocket) chase airplanes MP (24.3). This is already better than I saw in the pre mod configuration, and I expect a noticable improvement when the inlet lip is finished.

The SDS EFI was flawless. I was running the manual mixture knob a bit richer than the base program wanted but other than that the system was essentially invisible to me. Throttle response on short final was crisp and instantaneous, and idle quality on taxi out and back was perfect. It's a cliche, but it "runs like a new car".

Landed without incident and pulled the cowl. A few drops of oil from a couple easy to fix spots but overall looks clean and dry.

Good test. Hope to add a few more hours this weekend on top of today's 1.0
Atta boy!

Sounds like a smooth start - I hope that trend continues! Keep those updates coming!
Congrats Mike. Been a long haul. Will be interested in your flight test numbers when you get all broken in and get the induction mods completed.
Thanks Gents.

Flew over to IYK this am to put more time on the engine. Had a nice visit with Axel ant then put the SDS EFI to the test with a thoroughly heat soaked engine start. OAT was already 95 degrees and the area inside the plenum was probably sufficient to cook a large meat lovers pizza, yet the engine started on the FIRST BLADE and idled as smooth as silk. Agressive take off and initial climb to clear inbound traffic and the CHT just touched 400 when I pushed over into cruise. They quickly dropped 30 degrees and settled in at 350-370 across the board for the quick trip home. Would have flown longer but one of my gear leg fairings has rotated and made keeping the ball centered a real leg cramp scenario. Plus it's bumpy and hot up there today. Pretty miserable flying.
Gear leg covers. Ugh!

I have a ?bit of experience? with gear legs on the Rockets. I am right in the middle of re-doing that whole wonderful experience now. If I can recall correctly, this current plane shed 4 pairs of ?em. I think I tried a few processes that simply did not work.

My runway does not help things - I guess it could be the best test of those parts, especially after no rain for almost 2 months, with the dirt being clay. I like to think of it having an undulating character...

So, I?m re-doing the whole setup for the 5th time - right before Reno! Wise move? Maybe not! Could be I display my ignorance in front of 200,000 people. The test flight should be Tuesday..

I have helped plenty of others work thru their foibles with these nasty parts - could be that I finally have a process that will work. I can supply pics if needed. Personally, I don?t want to do this again - ever.

Part 1: no more wood dampers. Yep - it works.

Part 2: aligning the dang things - not too bad. Holding ?em in place (while staying aligned) is the trick.

I also know a guy who can make parts that fit up - if you are using the Rocket wheelpants. At least use his gear leg covers (composite) that are just about perfect.

Happy to hear the engine is behaving. I might ask you some questions once I get that far on the next project. I especially like the fact that it starts when hot. I think Ross might have mentioned that to me...:D
Mark -I'm with all new fairings, but the leg fairing alignment is a holdover from the prior configuration. So, I'm not sure if "optimal". I plan to do an oil streak or yarn test to see if they are really at 0 AOA before I lock them down. Felt good on first flight, but that doesn't mean much when it comes to speed.
Did another 1.5 today. Put together a short clip of my fuel quick turn and how the SDS EFI handles a heatsoak event. Flawless:

Oil consumption is coming down though I have not seen the charactaristic CHT drop on any cylinders yet. Still running from 350 to 380 across the board - same as first flight.

Also played with the individual cylinder trim feature... It's like magic!
Hey Michael,

I noticed in your video that you cranked with the canopy open. The guy I bought my rocket from a few years ago told me not to crank it with the canopy open because it provides some structural integrity.

Whats your thoughts? I would love to be able to drop that habit when its hot out.
Hey Michael,
I noticed in your video that you cranked with the canopy open. The guy I bought my rocket from a few years ago told me not to crank it with the canopy open because it provides some structural integrity.
Whats your thoughts? I would love to be able to drop that habit when its hot out.

I would recommend starting with the canopy closed, not so much for structural integrity, but because of additional strain on the canopy hinge caused by an accidental high RPM start.
100F heat

If in 100F heat with bright sun I cant't imagine locking the bonnet before I had some air moving.

However, I am curious to see how those plenum transitions from the cowl intakes to the plenum front end turned out. :)
I lock mine in the semi closed position for starting and ground ops. Plenty of air to keep cool with the big fan turning.
Concerning the canopy- In my case I have a stout locking prop rod which holds the canopy securely open. Since I have EFI, there's none of that typical high power hot start nonsense. It just starts and idles. Very benign event. And I'm with Mel on the structural part: the canopy adds nothing to the torsion capability of the fuselage.

The inlet ducts are still very raw but working well. Not going to work them until I get some hours on the engine. After all, I might have to neck them down even more. As it is, my inlets are 33% smaller in area than a stock RV-8 and I'm overcooling despite 40% more power output.
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Just completed a proper test flight on the Rocket one week shy of 3 years since last flight.

Oh frabjous day:D:D

The SDS EFI was flawless. ------ the system was essentially invisible to me. Throttle response on short final was crisp and instantaneous, and idle quality on taxi out and back was perfect. It's a cliche, but it "runs like a new car".

Good to hear that, I just ordered a full system from Ross.

Concerning the canopy- In my case I have a stout locking prop rod which holds the canopy securely open. Since I have EFI, there's none of that typical high power hot start nonsense. It just starts and idles. Very benign event. And I'm with Mel on the structural part: the canopy adds nothing to the torsion capability of the fuselage.

The inlet ducts are still very raw but working well. Not going to work them until I get some hours on the engine. After all, I might have to neck them down even more. As it is, my inlets are 33% smaller in area than a stock RV-8 and I'm overcooling despite 40% more power output.

Glad to see your Rocket back as well!
I too installed a set of Mark's F-1 leg fairings back in 05' that held up well on my rough turf strip and never cracked.
My stock Harmon cowling cooled and flowed well and I never had any temp issues even in 100F OAT.
Speaking of temps, unless it was very cold I always started my HR2 with the canopy in the "taxi" position similar to your setup. I built a sliding pin that locked the frame 2" above the rail for cooling during taxi and start.

Again, congrats...:)

PS: Many years ago on a XC trip I had a intake plenum fire during startup (from a backfire) that ignited my K&N Filter element. I was able to scramble quickly out front with fire extinguisher in hand and extinguish the blaze with minimal damage. Another reason...