
Well Known Member
... Anything RV related going on this weekend in Reno?
RV-8 driver here for the weekend without an RV.
Go up to Stead

There is generally a few of us RV and Rocket type hanging out at Stead almost everyday. Dan Ross, Guccidude on here, is in his hanger a lot doing something. Sometimes he even works on his RV9A. I might be out there and I work on my Harmon Rocket. We have quite a few 4?s, 6?s, 7?s, 8?s, 9?s, and a couple of Harmon Rockets II, and I know of one 3.

There is a few RV?s at RNO, but it has more security there so you need an escort, but not at Stead. Drive up and say Hi to anyone there, and ask where Dan?s hanger is, and stop by.

As Brian said, several RVers around Stead. I'll be on a day trip to Siskiyou tomorrow (Sat), but will be back Sat late afternoon, and around Sunday morning. Give a shout here or PM Brian or me, and we'll show ya around.
