
Active Member
I marked R-918 wrong. I caught myself and marked it correctly, but got distracted and then cut on the wrong line... So I have a a two piece R-918. I will call Vans to double check, but I can't see that this would create any significant problems as long as all of the holes have good edge distance. Any thoughts?

That shouldn't be a problem. The fairing will cover the strip(s) just fine. Don't trim and fit up your fairing until after you have test fit the empennage to the fuselage. That way you can be sure you trimmed it the right length. Those scribe marks for trimming the fiberglass parts are often in the wrong place.

Talked to Vans today and got a "No problem". He said he wouldn't even worry about using the 1 inch strip. I drilled it the other night and it lined up great. All of the holes are well away from the edges, I think I will still use the 1 inch strip.
same thing, other end

Hey all,

Seems like i did something just like this way back when. I just overlapped the cut end with a little piece to make it longer, flush riveted them together, then riveted it to the plane... looks just fine considering the mistake!
