Desert Rat

Well Known Member
would anybody care to share how the secured the wire bundle going into the Garmin roll servo? There aren't any obvious places to mount an adel clamp to keep it from flopping around and potentially getting into the bell crank.

I'm sure I can figure out something that will work, but hoping to save myself some brain sweat by shamelessly ripping off somebody else's good idea.
I used a longer bolt and an adel clamp at the top of the bellcrank bracket, and another adel clamp on the inboard rib:

Hey Matt, thanks for the picture. When I was eyeballing this yesterday I thought about doing something similar. It seems like a tidy solution as long as you have an adel thats steel and not one of the softer metals. Do you recall where you sourced steel adel clamps? I'll have to look, but I think all my stash are the softer alloy ones, and I don't believe that spruce sells steel ones that small.
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Not sure I understand why the clamp material would be a concern... the bolt is loaded in shear, so as long as it's torqued properly and the shank is fully in the spar hole I don't see any issue. I did the same thing on the other wing to secure my pitot and AOA plumbing.
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I'm just thinking that most adels are a pretty soft aluminum alloy. Doesn't seem like a great practice to torque something down on an alloy that has "squash-ability", but I'm probably overthinking it.