Well Known Member
I am posting pics for a friend and we want to get a general opinion on what you think is acceptable or not. This thread was started on another board and without picture attachment capability it is hard to get and accurate response. This first set of pics are of what Vans sent to Darrell as what they call "Pre-built" fuel tanks. This is not to start a flame but to help a fellow RV'er decide on what is acceptable.


Here are a few pics of my QB tanks.




Please post your honest opinion.
It looks like the proseal work is a little sloppy but it's nothing that will be seen. If you haven't worked with that stuff before then you can't appreciate how sloppy it is and difficult it can be at times.

My first tank looked similiar to some of your pictures but my secondn one looked better. No biggie if you ask me. The real key to a quality tank build is:

#1 Does it not leak?
#2 Does it fit properly and lay flush with the LE of the the outboard wing skin.

The pro-seal work looks ragged. Before I installed them, I would make dam sure they didn't leak. Good luck
Doyle Reed (Casper 2)
I just finished my left tank last week so it is fresh on my mind. The appearance of mine is somewhere between the two examples. This stuff is not fun to work with and gets on everything. I can't understand why someone didn't wipe off the excess with a little acetone. It would have really helped the overall appearance. If they don't leak and fit OK then I would not worry about it. After seeing them I am glad I built my own though.
Jim RV-9A wings Arkansas
Fuel tanks

I bought the complete QB wings with tanks attached. The finish work on mine are better. I agree with previous posts, if they don't leak, and they fit, probably no big deal. However, since I didn't make my own..... are the attach brackets supposed to be pop-riveted on? jack 90508
Pulled rivets


You asked,

>However, since I didn't make my own..... are the attach brackets supposed >to be pop-riveted on? jack 90508

If you're referring to the Z-brackets, yes.

Don 90702 Fuselage
Fuel Tank Dilemna

Send the tanks back. They can do better than this. I like Vans products but they are human afterall. There is an old addage that says, "If it looks good it probably is." These don't look good. I am sure that they will replace them and that the replacements will look much better. Yes, Pro-seal is a pain to work with, however a proffessional does not have this much trouble with it as a rule. It looks as though they were training someone new. You should not have to suffer poor quality of work for any reason.

Good Luck.
I agree. Those tanks are wretched looking. I would be dubious about trusting them over the years. Somebody goofed.
Looks like they were training the new guy. However, the tanks are leak checked at the factory. No one will see them. Use 'em. Parts is parts.
QB Tanks

Ok the next question is- How did they get those QB tanks looking so good????

Wings coming this year!
The quick built tanks come from the Phillippines where they do that all day long everyday, I bet. The set you bought probably came from the person here in the states that builds them for Van's customers. I wish that was not the case but I'm pretty sure it is.
Jim RV-9A 90919 Wings Arkansas