Active Member
Ok. We have officially made mistake number 1. Today we were working on the H/S fwd spar. We bent the spar channels and the stiffners. The next step was to dimple the channels and countersink the stiffners. We wern't sure how deep to go on the countersinking so we just did a bit at a time and checked it out. Anyway this went on for a while with no apparent problems apart from the fact that countersinking more was not making the parts sit flat together. We became wary that we had countersunk a long way and the parts still did not sit flat. After a lot of checking and measuring we found out our mistake. We had countersunk about twice as far as we needed to but the parts still did not sit flat. We then found that the reason for this was when we dimpled the spar for whatever reason this bowed the spar by making a high spot about 15 thou high over an area of about an inch. This was not obvious but it was enough that the parts would not sit flat. We have ordered a new part (HS-710) and will try again.
Has anyone else seen this problem of dimpling deforming the part slighly? We are not quite sure yet how to fix this.
Yes I get a slight depression around the dimple when using the hand squeezer and if I don't hit the C-frame dimpler hard enough. The trick with countersinking to fit a dimple is to measure the countersink in your female dimple die and don't countersink any larger than that.

RV-9A 90990