
Well Known Member
After riveting the top of the trim tab along the hinge line, I noticed that I had inadvertently bent three or four of the hinge journals with the squeezer set up to about 1/8 inch off center. I straightened them as best I could and I can get the pin in, but it's obviously not perfectly aligned as when new. I debated ordering new parts and rebuilding the trim tab. Will the bending and straightening weaken the hinge significantly? Any thoughts anyone?

For those of you who haven't yet built the trim tab, be very careful when squeezing the top row of rivets to make sure the set does not touch the hinge. It's pretty hard to see while your doing it because you're looking at the flush head of the rivet, just make sure the squeezer set is far enough back towards the trim tab spar so you don't crunch the hinge.
Thanks for posting


I squeezed these rivets this weekend and remembered your post. I'm glad I remembered. It would be very easy to squeeze a hinge journal.
Thanks for posting this.

I think you'll be just fine having only bent a few of the journals.


Thanks for the heads up. Will be riveting the tab this weekend. After reading your post, it seems to make so much sense, but I can see how somebody could easily mess this up.

Appreciate the warning.

Take care,
