
Active Member

Does anybody know of a well qualified individual to carry out a thorough pre-purchase inspection of a RV-6 in the area of Prince George, British Columbia? Thank you
Thank you. Hope to be able to buy a RV soon. I have found one which I can afford in Britsh Columbia which the owner says I will be able to purchase from him in April or May 2013. Finding one that I can afford in Canada makes it a bit easier with respect to Canadian Registration.

It would be nice to sell my Rans S-7 first ( I had it sold pending payment on Dec 27, 2012, but on that date the buyer backed out of the agreement and as such it is still for sale). I hope it will sell within the next few months.
A couple of options

A second recommendation for Gary. Or contact Brett at Gorge Aviation Services at KDLS. Both have helped me immensely with my RV and are IA's.
Terry McEnvoy

Try Terry McEnvoy at (250) 802-9023. He is out of Abottsford and is semi-retired, and would likely travel to do it.
For what it's worth, importing an RV from the US is almost trivial. I found the trip to do the pre-purchase inspection myself, and then scheduling the trip down to fly the plane back, to be more work. Everything else is quite straightforward, although it may take a month or two to get the paperwork and inspection completed.

That being said, there is a large contingent of RV builders /owners in the Vernon area... That would be a much shorter flight than from Oregon.
Thanks for the info. I have found conflicting reports about importing. Some people like you say it was easy, others said it took almost a year to complete. Like everything else with transport Canada, it sounds like it would depend on the individuals you have to deal with and their interpretations.

I had heard that there was a group in Vernon from Dave Shelby because that is where his \rv-4 ended up. Unfortunately, I have lost track of Dave because he may have moved. Do you have any contacts in the Vernon group that I may be able to contact? Thanks again
How difficult it is also comes down to how "stock" the RV is. If you've got non-standard stuff, it'll make inspectors nervous. There are Canadian requirements that don't exist in the US, too. Gascolator, for example. But most US aircraft have them, and even if you had to install one it wouldn't be *that* hard. Another gotcha is castellated nuts vs. nylocks, some builders don't seem to know when you use one or the other, and you can get set back if you have to change a bunch of them.

I think many people who have had trouble have contributed to it themselves at least in part... They expect that because the plane flew fine for 100+ hours in the US that they should be able to just bring it in and start flying, and they get mad, annoyed, etc. with anyone who tells them otherwise. The attitude given is directly linked to how poor their service is from each agency they need to deal with.

If you go into the process with your eyes open, knowing what the regs are and what's required, allow for each of those things to happen in turn without trying to rush things or get mad at someone who appears to be dragging their feet, you'll have an airplane here and flying in no time.

For my import, I flew the aircraft back registered under its Canadian markings. The import inspection found two things to fix: (1) there was no up elevator stop, and (2) the inspector found a crack in one of my rudder pedal weldments. I had both fixed in a couple of weeks. I took a few more weeks to swap out the older radio for a new iCom, and then a re-inspection gave me my paperwork. It was two months total from first landing in Canada to first takeoff post-import.
I expect that you are correct. If I were to buy one in the US, I would need to understand the key differences between the US and Canada requirements to ensure the the import went as envisioned. Thank you Glen
Inspection I had done

I have a report from an inspection I had done by Ralph Inkster from Springbank Airport Alberta. He also sent me photos of everything and an even more detailed report. I was very impressed with the attention to detail and any inspector should strive to achieve his level of professionalism. I was very pleased with the inspection. The text of this report was too long to post. Email me and I'll be glad to send the whole thing to you.
