Casey Mottinger

I'm New Here
I am working on wings and wondering if anyone has any suggestions for landing lights or position lights. Are the kits from Vans worth the money or can it be done cheaper? Are there any other options besides the leading edge landing light for the RV8?


I just installed the Duckworks Landing Light Kit in the leading edge of my right wing. The kit went in easily and without problems. I would recommend it. The other option I've seen is one that I think you can find on Bill VonDane's website. It is an LED position light system for the wingtips that can also mount the landing light in the fiberglass tips.

Good luck,

Craig Schwartz

I made my own HID setup. It does take time (I did not record how much though). You have to make the brackets and find a decent reflector etc. I wanted the HID but could not afford the Duckworks set so I did it myself. If you are not going with HID I would just get the kit and be done with it...I have messed around with them alot more then I thought.

Lamding lights

Check out Bill Vondane's site, he has some halogen light kits that will fit in the tips. Here's a link to them::
Pretty good kit, put a set on my plane.
5-31-05 - Added picture below of Vondanes' kit installed in new style tips.

Good Luck!
Bill Waters
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Hi Casey,
I used RMD's landing light kit on our -8A and just installed the nav lights within them. We have the old style tips, but Bob might be making kits for the new style by now. Give them a call at (503) 628-6056 for questions and pricing. There's also a good write up on RMD with pictures of the out-of-the-box kit here .
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