Mark Burns

Well Known Member
The 2015 Pine Bluff Formation Clinic will be held at Grider Field (KPBF) from Oct. 30 - Nov 1, 2015

Below is the Yahoo Group site to join at the following link:

Join the group, wait for approval, and then enter your information into the database to sign up.

Joining the group does NOT sign you up for the clinic. Joining only gives you access to the information.
Entering your information into the database is how you sign up for the clinic.

To find the database click on the drop down menu marked "more".

In files section of the group site is a copy of the FFI Formation Manual and any other info you need.

If you have any problems or questions call.

Gerald (Bulldog) Loyd

Photo from last years clinic.

What a weekend ...

This is a great place to go if you are new to formation work.... It's is a fun weekend, great flying, good food, and a whole new RV experience.

You don't go in knowing much and I promise you don't come out knowing it all but it's a great start. The thing that has always impressed me is how patient the guys are who are doing nothing more than paying back what others did for them. It's all volunteer and you'll never be around a more helpful and constructive group of Rviators.

If you even think you want to play, this is the weekend for you!
Calling all newbies! We need people that have never flown formation before! I'll gladly leave my airplane parked on the ground if we can get more new people. If that is you, please sign up and show up, but also please make sure you have a bolt in your passenger stick.

Sorry: Just wondering if this is Pine Bluff, N.C. , can a person interested in your group show up and set in to see how you work and what is involved to be involved with this group? I had a lot of contact with the Eagle Flight group ever sense they where founded, but do not know any of the groups in this area. Yours, R.E.A. III, Van's #80888
Arkansas, The Natural State!

The clinic is in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. KPBF

So, it's not very far from you at all :)

And absolutely you can show up and see how the clinic works.

The main purpose of these clinics is to introduce RV pilots to formation flying.
We all had to start somewhere. This is where the experienced formation pilots give something back!
That being said, we all learn at these clinics!

We start newbies out with a demo ride in a 4-ship formation flight to let them see how much fun it is. Then a safety pilot will ride with you in your airplane, teaching you the basics, until you are cleared for two ship solo.

When I was building my RV, formation flying wasn't something I thought much about. Now, I'd much rather be flying in formation than not.

Please join the yahoo group below if you think you might be able to make it.

Hope to see you there!!


Sorry: Just wondering if this is Pine Bluff, N.C. , can a person interested in your group show up and set in to see how you work and what is involved to be involved with this group? I had a lot of contact with the Eagle Flight group ever sense they where founded, but do not know any of the groups in this area. Yours, R.E.A. III, Van's #80888
My airplane only has a rear stick - no PCL or pedals. I thought I read somewhere that dual controls were necessary?

My airplane only has a rear stick - no PCL or pedals. I thought I read somewhere that dual controls were necessary?


You are correct.

Here's the information that's on the yahoo group page. I should have posted it earlier. Thanks.

This is a temporary group to conduct the 2015 Pine Bluff Formation Clinic at Pine Bluff (KPBF) on the weekend of Oct. 30- Nov 1, 2015. Signups should go to the Database section and ADD a RECORD with the requested information. Participants should have excellent stick and rudder skills, have aircraft in excellent condition, have dual controls, intercom, PTT in other cockpit, and have NO VERNIER THROTTLES. By signing up, you agree to HOLD HARMLESS the organizers, briefers, safety pilots, flight leads, airport authorities, and any other persons involved in this clinic. All participants will be required to sign a Hold Harmless Agreement prior to registering.

Pine Bluff Formation Clinic cancelled - or was it?

I spent the first 6 months of 2015 earning a commercial certificate. Being very goal oriented, I was looking for the next flying challenge so I
decided to see what formation was about. I don't have any aspirations of team aerobatics, but flying in nice diamond
formation over the football game seems just my speed. So I started studying and that led me to trolling for a formation clinic
to attend. The Pine Bluff clinic popped up and I signed up and made the hotel reservations.

As soon at the date appeared in the 7 day forecast it was looking iffy. The clinic was scheduled for newbie intro flights and ground
school on Friday, the 2 ship learning flights on Saturday, and the last flight and return home on Sunday.

The forecast stayed consistent, with Friday being a bad day for leaving Austin, and Saturday being a bad day to fly in Arkansas.
And Sunday was going to be questionable for leaving KPBF.
To avoid IMC conditions, my plan was to fly up Thursday, and if needed return home on Monday.
Sure enough, the weather exceeded our expectations and the clinic was cancelled with just enough time to cancel
the hotel reservations. Dang. But I was sure glad I didn't have to spend three days cooped up in a Best Western in Pine Bluff,
with my plane out on the ramp in the rain.

One of my goals for the clinic was to earn a invite to learn more with the formation group here in the Austin area. That's where
the Card's came to my rescue. Friday and Saturday were out due to weather, but Cookie emailed and hinted that I just needed
to ask nice and the local group would be happy to do their part to help me along. I said, "Yeahhhh, when can we start?" Tanya
scrounged up a couple of the group to make a flight so we scheduled Sunday to get things going.
Sunday I buzzed over to catch a ground school episode at the Card's hangar at 40XS. It turns out that Tanya's arrangements
turned into a full up Falcon Flight practice session for an event that was to happen on Wednesday. We were to meet at
Georgetown for the practice so Cookie flew lead in 22C and Scoot took the helm as wing with me on my first formation intro
flight over to KGTU.

There would be a 5 ship for the Wednesday event. I rode with Scoot in 22C and Cookie was in the blue 8A.
The flight was briefed as two parts, first the practice for the Wednesday event, then a fairly standard formation practice/
checkride/intro flight. The Card's GTU hangar tenant, Beaux, was also along for the ride as a newbie.


Here's some pics, mostly from route. I thought there were other pictures from closer formation, but my camera must have been too




Afterwards Stu debriefed the flight. The team earned the ultimate compliment, a thumbs up from the local 10 year old.
Then Cookie briefed the 2 ship flight back to 40XS. I would fly my first time as wing with Scoot as my
coach. We departed KGTU with me flubbing just about everything that could be flubbed. Cookie led us through a series of
shallow turns and we practiced route, rejoins (effectively lots of rejoins), and a cross under. Scoot wore himself out, "More power,
too far out, more power, you don't want to see the top of their wing, add power". I was just starting to feel like I was
figuring out the "add power" bit when it was time for the overhead into 40XS. I only had to log two bounces on the
landing, and after the debrief Scott finished the ground school slides with me.

At the end of the day, I had done much of the Pine Bluff curriculum and achieved two of my major goals for the event. I
now have .7 hours of formation PIC!

As an added bonus I finally got to fly with Gunbody piloting the red RV-4. That's the airplane that inspired my build.
In fact this whole flight and the participants and their airplanes are close to me and my RV on many different levels.
That's what I call a perfect day!

Thanks Tanya and Scott, and Stu, Bill, Bobby, and Ron!
Formation practice

Nice write-up!
You were training with some of the best!

Some of the guys local to the Pine Bluff area got together at Pine Bluff on Friday.
We had a couple of great practice flights also. So the weekend wasn't a total loss :)

The weather didn't really move into Arkansas until late that day.
But Saturday and Sunday was a "wash" :)

Sounds like you really enjoyed your introduction into formation flying!
You'll enjoy it even more as you become more proficient!
