So, just sitting around waiting for the wing and emp to ship for my 14A and I need to do something plane related.

I am planning to build a rolling bench/cart out of 2x4 and ply for my band saw, drill press and grinder. Maybe add a belt sander. I was just in the shop trying to lay out the tools but I seem to remember seeing a couple different pictures of people who have done this before me. So in the interest of not re-inventing the wheel, or bench, if you have one of these carts can you share some pictures and likes/dislikes or what you would do different. I have time to kill for a while so I guess it is time to build more benches :)
My drill press is stationary, but this might give you some ideas:


(more details here)

I'm glad I built drawers into mine, as all these tools have their own collection of accessories, spare blades, etc which all need a place to live. If you don't want to bother with drawers, consider some simple shelves or bins underneath.

All the tools on mine plug into a power strip that's mounted below the top surface, so I only need to plug in one cord to power everything. This also allows me to quickly move from one tool to another without messing with electrical connections.

Think about how you will mount your tools to allow you to work on large items. After using it for a while, I ended up rotating my 12" disc sander 45 degrees to make it easier to use.

If your tools have dust extraction ports, think about how to arrange things so that none of your vacuum hookups are blocked. I don't bother with the vacuum too often (shame on me) but it's nice to have the option.

The lower platform is handy too, I usually have a few large portable tools stored there (circular saw, etc).
Tony Bingelis

The table shown in Matt’s photo is a reminder of the many contributions to our hobby by the late Tony Bingelis. His design was the first one I saw. I added pegboard to two sides of the ones I built about 20 years ago.

Mine is sort of like Matt's except no wheels.
It's built using the remaining lumber from two EAA benches.
They are 2x5 so that leaves 3x4x3/4 plywood.
Same framing. Drill press, grinder, band saw, vise and belt/disk sander bolted on top. Tool storage on the bottom shelf. I would take a photo but it looks like a tornado blew into my shop! :D

Thanks everyone. I have built more benches than I can count so That isn't really an issue. More looking for layout ideas and how close I can put the tools. From the first picture it looks like they can be packe in pretty good.

I tried the link to the book but it didn't work for me :(
Poor photo but you get the idea.

The grinder flips over to reveal the drill press.


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Random thoughts:

1) Wheels are great for re-arraigning the workshop. Very happy with the wheels for that reason, even though I've never needed to get the drill press/sander closer to the work.

2) The grinder makes a mess- in retrospect some type of finished surface might be a good idea (instead of plain plywood).

3) I put a big halogen lamp in the center. Works, though unnecessary with good workshop lighting. Next time I would put drawers or some mechanism to hold the part trays (those yellow plastic ones with the reconfigurable bins). That or a mini-fridge!
Did the same thing a few yrs ago with this[/url]

Added some wheels from Princess Auto and perfect.
