

Is there any downside or risk to painting or powder coating the stall warning vane? Do most people leave it raw aluminum?

Couldn't find any mention of this using search.


-12is Empennage - Complete
-12is Wings - 90% Complete
-12is Fuselage - Kit Received
-12is Finish - Kit Due in January '24
Can't think of one as long as the paint isn't heavy or thick. Of course, best to do that before assembly so that its operation remains free.

I believe that most of them are stainless. I do not know what the material is for the RV-12. I would leave natural if stainless.
Paint will add mass to the tab, which *could* in turn change its response to the airflow that activates it. Will it be affected in practice, and if so, how much? That's impossible to tell without testing.

IMO it's not worth the trouble to paint, but you get to make the call.


According to the KAI parts list, it is stainless so probably best to leave it unpainted.