
Well Known Member
I believe a large RV formation is planned to arrive at Oshkosh on Sunday, does any know the ETA?

RV-7 Finish Kit
According to Bob Collins "Coming up: the 35-ship RV formation (I believe it's known as Falcon Flight) is due in at 2 p.m. on Sunday. "
We practiced the all-up 35 ship formation today (Saturday) at SQI and will again in the morning with an OSH, 2pm Sunday arrival. See you there! :D Rosie
Great Job!!! You pilots were Absolutely AWESOME!!! Really enjoyed the formations. Made us very proud to be RVers.

RV Formation Over OSH......WELL DONE!


To the Pilots who performed the 35 ship formation flyover at OSH. WELL DONE! You did us all proud!

I get goose bumps right now as I type thinking of the roar of the engines as you guys in PERFECT formation passed over Aero Square at the "07" AirVenture on Sunday. I am not exagerating when I say from the ground in was perfect! Tight, steady, spacing was flawless!

I had several people look at me in disbelief when I told them they were RV's. Most thought they were warbirds!

Your training, skill level, dedication, above all airmanship was second to none, and I can only hope I get the chance to be the 2nd group of RV's to fly in mass formation over OSH. Only you guys & gals can say you were part of the first squadron.

I can't wait for the pictures!

Well Done!
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35-ship Formation at OSH

On behalf of all the 35-pilots, thanks for the compliment, and very well said. They all dedicated time, funds, and learned skills to make it so well done. They performed superbly.

By the way, this was the second VERY LARGE Formation for many, the first being the 25-ship in 1997 in honor of the 25th anniversary of Van being at OSH. But, since we were in the infancy of LARGE formation then, we were spaced out in between 4-ships. This was the first in a formation this large in which we flew the whole formation tight.
Picture of the 25-ship in 1997

Here's a picture of the 25-ship flown in 1997 with Van out front in the RV-4 he donated to the EAA Museum after the flight.

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