
Active Member
I don't want to paint my RV-7 before 2-3 years after the first flight for money reason.. But I want to paint the fiberglass parts.. And I got the idea of the old RCAF paint shema and I think it will be a good idea ! I will only have to paint the fiberglass parts in red, and the Stab and Fin. The rest will be vinyl sticker !! What did you think of that !?

My friends bought a Grumman Trainer with a paint scheme like that a few years ago...


I thought it looked pretty good.

more than one way to skin....a plane?

Try polishing an airplane before committing to having a polished airplane.

so true....but....I guess if you really grew to like the scheme, but not the upkeep on the bare metal, you could paint ONLY the bare areas silver, and keep the rest???...thus spreading out the cost of a full paint job. ( tho some would argue this point, having to do it twice....disassembly etc.)
Grumman Trainer

C-FBVQ is an American Aviation AA-1 Yankee (the original). I used to own her. She was yellow then.

Thanks guys for the pics ! I was sure I was not the only one thinking about this paint shema ! It's cool to see the result on real RV ! Ok, it's time to return on the garage and continue to build.....;)
RCAF Paint Scheme

Your post prompted me to go on a hunt thru my shop last night for some large wall pictures I received from my dad of a T33, a Tutor and an Expeditor in formation over CFB Southport (portage la prairie). I found pictures for the CF105 Starfighter and CF104 Voodoo but have yet to turn up the trio formation.
I have been working towards this type of paint scheme for my RV9A and have been polishing and polishing metal skin for the last couple of months in the evenings. I also plan to use the red paint on the glass parts and trimming.
I grew up as an air force brat and this paint scheme seems an appropriate way to honor those and the "Southport" life that planted the aviation bug in me.
I really enjoy polishing now that I have the art/science of it figured out. It takes time and patience but is very rewarding work.
Cam Andres
RV9A with Aerosport IO360
(finished construction, polishing now before final assembly and inspection)
Thanks Tailcreek_flyer, I will probably design a R/C RV-7 in the futur.. The hardest task in designing scale R/C aircraft was to find accurate documentation. I will don't have too much problem for that if I doo a RV-7 !!

I have already a lot of project on my list. Right now I work on a DHC-2 Beaver of 144" to use a Moki radial engine. I have also a lot of request to increase my 80" Bombardier CL-415 to a wing span of 120"... I have very few spare time to draw new design because it's not my main job, and on the evening/week-end, I prefer now to work on the real RV...;)
" I found pictures for the CF105 Starfighter and CF104 Voodoo but have yet to turn up the trio formation."

Actually the Starfighter is CF104 and Voodoo is CF101. CF 105 was the Arrow.

Here are a few pics that I have. There not all for a polished look, but a trainer look as well:




And my favourite, which I'm leaning towards:


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I really like the City of Winnipeg Mustang one. That's got to be my favorite Mustang paint jobs.

I've always liked the Harvard trainer colours too, but I can't really see it on a RV-8.
Very nice pics of the RCAF jet Don !!

See this RV-7 with the Mustang "City of Winnipeg" paint.

I have one problem with my RCAF paint idea..... my wife doesn't like the red color...:( She always want it in blue... I still want a Canadian military look, but I don't find anything. So, I finaly create something like that :

Anyway, with the fuselage only 50% done, i'm far to start to paint ! :)
Older RCAF..

No red here but still authentically Canadian, or at least pre-war RCAF.
Consider the Vinyl wraps that people are using on cars, too... 3M has some pretty impressive products. They've been used on 400mph biz jets, surely they can handle 200mph RV's. cost is about 1/4 that of paint, for an entire plane. And when you get bored of it, you can peel it off and change it...