G Swartley

Well Known Member
I am looking into putting a subaru into my RV-9A.
I like what Eggenfelner is doing, but don't want to put an H6 with all the weight into my plane and I am told thay are not making the single cam engine anymore. As for the NSI I have noticed the web site is off the web and what I would like to know is dose anybody know what is happening with NSI??

I hope they can regroup and start building firewall forward kits again.
look no further...they are gone. the yahoo sube forum went over the details of this a few months back, so you can find out about what happened in detail there. they basically had some greedy people in the company, and they couldn't hold it together from what i understand.

rv6ejguy will be able to elaborate a bit more on this (i think) when he sees this post...
The Yahoo E-Subie forum has all the details of NSI's demise if you wish to sift through lots of nasty posts from PO'd customers. Some of the original investors control some of the technology and hardware left over and plan to rise again under Maxwell Propulsion Systems or MPS with a new team. Lance is out of the picture. MPS are in the process of deciding the direction to go with engines, redrives, props and ECUs at the moment before coming back to the market. LeGrand Harris is in charge. I can put you in touch if you wish. Don't have the number handy at this PC.

G Swartley said:
I am looking into putting a subaru into my RV-9A.
I like what Eggenfelner is doing, but don't want to put an H6 with all the weight into my plane and I am told thay are not making the single cam engine anymore. ...
That's interesting, since all the advertisements in the magazines and on this website show the single cam engine!

If you really want a single cam Eggenfellner, I'll bet you can find someone that has bought one and not yet installed it. They sold a lot of those that are not yet flying, and with the H6 development, some people would probably like to upgrade to that, if they are building an RV7 or RV8, for example.

In any case, I'd be surprised if Eggenfellner won't build you a single cam. I'll bet he has all the parts and supplies needed laying around.
rv8ch said:
If you really want a single cam Eggenfellner, I'll bet you can find someone that has bought one and not yet installed it. They sold a lot of those that are not yet flying, and with the H6 development, some people would probably like to upgrade to that, if they are building an RV7 or RV8, for example.

In any case, I'd be surprised if Eggenfellner won't build you a single cam. I'll bet he has all the parts and supplies needed laying around.

I am pretty sure that he doesn't have all the parts to build a single cam laying around since he has had full payment for mine since June '05 (for promised July '05 delivery) and I'm still waiting :eek: . I've been super quiet about this in public, but I've just about run out of patience. Jan says he understands that this is clearly unfair, but he intends to ship existing H6 engines (many of which were probably ordered way after mine) then complete my uninteresting single cam order.
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2.5 Single cam with Supercharger

I have a Single cam with supercharger, Egg Subaru engine. I have had it for about 2 or 3 years or so. It is located in my office in Decatur, Ga. in a climate controlled area. I might consider selling or working a deal so that I could put a 6 cylinder in my RV-8. Any deal would have to be approved by Jan. If you are interested in a 2.5 Single cam contact me.

Looks like I really killed this thread. Really didn't mean to do that.
Will go with original plan and put 2.5L in the 8.
Will send you a picture Mickey when I get it mounted.
NSI engine

I have an rv9 with an NSI engine.I finished in june and have now flown it 215 hrs with no problems.It is an awsome package very quiet and very powerful. everyone around hear calls it the stealth RV.At sea level at 85 degrees it will come off the ground in about 200 ft at gross.
I hope that MPS (the new NSI )can get things straightened out because it is a great engine to fly behind.I have been trying hard to get to vans so that they can take a look at it and fly it.
I will try and post a pic in the finished rv9 sect of this tread.
