
Active Member
Guess I will post this as a new thread. Just adding it onto an existing thread resulted in answer to wrong subject. I also did a search(s).

In a different thread, a photo shows the nosegear swivel stop plate WD-631 mounted with the "stops" portion mounted to the rear. The Van's drawing I have (for the older gear leg and fork) shows the plate with the stops forward.

Which is right or more correct? Or is this a new fork versus old fork thing?

It would seem the difference would just be less angular displacement of the trailing nose wheel.
alright already billybob! :) mine's on backwards.

I had the pant off Sunday while doing an oilchange and I got ready to reverse it but I couldn't remember what was going to happen once I knocked the bolt out.

I was by myself so I put the allens back in put the nut back on and left it.

the plane will pivot quite a bit in the existing position.

i.e. if backing the plane and not paying close attention-- it will slam to the stops at a radical angle.

but I can see where I am losing some angle.

and-- do I need that extra travel? I might be safer as is-- my pant can't come around and get in the way of the prop as is. ???

My apologies...

The last reply was a late reply from someone else. I had already decided it could go either way and actually the way you have it has some advantages as you mentioned. I'll probably make mine like yours as I have seen that on several others.
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There have been instances where builders have let the nose fork breakout force get too loose and have had a bad case of nose wheel shimmy.
If you have a severe case of shimmy it can destroy the wd-631 from the allen bolts impacting it. I know it doesn't seem possible, but it has happened numerous times.
Also if you ever attempt to make a tight turn pivoting on one main wheel the nose wheel will resist because it is not rotated far enough to allow it.

Good Information

Good Information & just the kind I was looking for originally. Plus I really did like being able to turn on a dime yesterday when I landed on a 30' wide runway, and needed to back taxi. I went by the Vans Plans and have it forward right now.
I have a video of my test pilot landing my plane with the front pant shimming.
On the first flight.

...due to loose break out force. I thought he was going to get the prop with the wheel pant.

and I posted a pict of my damaged bracket elsewhere about a week ago.

I wonder how I can tell if it's reducing my turn radius enough? I assume I can do it with a tow bar-- it sure seems to turn sharply as is. hum.

Mine is forward per the drawing

I do not know if the reverse installation would give the same pivot range. With the as designed system I can pivot on one wheel to make a turn around after back taxiing on a runway and everything works properly. I had to get out my album to look at my installation - it is just not one of those things that gets much attention once it's fixed. The breakout force setting is something else again but it seems to settle in after about the 4th or 5th retorque. The other thing that requires some attention is the tightness of the bolt that holds the nose strut in the engine mount socket.

Bob Axsom
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Images to go along with discussion

Here are two images to illustrate the various parts of this discussion. The damaged stop plate was due to excessive nose shimmy.


Believe me I've experienced it

I have experience the hard shimmy but I don't think a "Shimmy" will take the gear all the way to the properly installed stops. It would have to come near sideways to hit the properly installed stop and the friction of the runway contact and the length of the arm from the fork pivot to the center of tire contact just wouldn't allow that. Now if it is installed backwards I can see it hitting the stop before the runway contact force could overcome it. Man! that must have been some hit - that's a new pair of shorts event for sure.

Bob Axsom