
Well Known Member
Hello everyone! I have made arrangements with the manager at Hangar 24
for our yearly New Years Day lunch and they are expecting us. So far,
the weather is looking nice. The plan is to be entering the restaurant
at 11 am AZ time. I will need a head count so I can tell the manager how
many plan on attending. Tom and I look forward to seeing everybody!


There was a nice turnout of 20+ RV's today at Lake Havasu for lunch.. -4's, plenty of -6's, -7's, -8's, a few -9's, -10's, and one or more -12.

Good company, good food, and a great flight to & from.

Havasu flight.

10 of us RVs decided to go to General Fox in Plamdale instead of Havasu. Great flight , over the mountains , took a little detour to fly over Big Bear. Restaurant was open at 7 am so no waiting till 11. Food was great. Lots of parking.
Great change of pace. I recommend it.
Thanks to Katie for setting this little fly out up! We had a great flight out. The weather was perfectly clear and the air smooth. It was good catching up with Roy, Sandy, Doug, Josh, Marc, Rita and meeting some new friends.

Branching Out?

I've been to Hangar 24 at Redlands, CA. I was staying nearby with my uncle while working a contract job in Palmdale. I had no idea they had another location at Lake Havasu. Good for them!

Oh ooh?? Sorry Mark, happy new year to you and Rita.
BTW. 3 10s were our group also and even one Curris. :D