Hi everyone, I just got to Tampa and would be happy to contact Rvators in this area.
Unfortunately I had to leave my RV8 EC-XJG in Spain and I will surely miss the RV flight.
If anyone wants to fly with me, as a former fighter pilot, we can do acrobatics and close formation flying. It will be a pleasure!
PM to [email protected]
Javier del Cid

Welcome Javier! Central Florida has an very active RV community. Will drop you a note when I have an empty seat for breakfast. Drop me a pm
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Hola Galin
estare por MacDill hasta septiembre: si hay alguna reunion interesante por esta zona, aparte del Sun'fun, ni dudes en decirmelo.
Un abrazo

Hola Javier, soy un Gringo, pero hablo espa?ol tambien.
Where in Tampa are you ? I am strongly considering building an RV-10, and I have a friend from Colombia (who does NOT speak english! :) who wants to help me if I do. Would be nice to meet one day.
Hola Javier, soy un Gringo, pero hablo espa?ol tambien.
Where in Tampa are you ? I am strongly considering building an RV-10, and I have a friend from Colombia (who does NOT speak english! :) who wants to help me if I do. Would be nice to meet one day.

I know I?m hijacking the thread, but let me know if you have any RV-10 questions. I?m based at Tampa Exec.
Hijack away

Hey Todd, this didn't notify me of a response. But yea would love to chat.
I'm in Land O Lakes personally. Right now the plan is to press send on this order form just as soon as the house we just moved from sells, which surprisingly shouldn't take to long as it seems the market is strong here during Covid.

So sure, at some point would be great to meet up.