
Well Known Member
Sold my 7 and found a really nice one back east. It is the plane I always wanted but settled on a 7 and was never happy. I didnt like the side by side seating as all my flying before was in my Husky and its tandem as well. Thanks to the Vans Forum i was contacted by a great owner. Cant wait to get it home
Congratulations and welcome to the club. I believe there are more L39s flying in the USA than there are Rockets, Certainly more than F1 Rockets, not sure how many Harmons are flying. In any case you are finally flying the machine of your dreams. Enjoy
Congrats indeed. Hope you like it as much as I like mine. Only downside is it will ruin you for pretty much every other airplane.
If I like this bird as much as I think I will probably sell my Husky. Going so slow just isnt as much fun as it used to be.
No kidding. The Rocket has nearly a 200 knot spread between stall and Vne. That's some real "utility" the Husky can't touch.
Not to be flippant, but you only need to know two things with a Rocket :

1. Go easy on the brakes

2. If the landing isn't perfect, go around.
Good advice I am going to throw some weight in the rear until i get used to it. I am used to the feel of the tail coming up in my Husky just going a lot slower when it does

Scratch off #1 if you're in an F1. Brakes can be used normally w/o fear of nosing over as the wheels are about 4" farther forward than they are on a HRII.

#2 though.... 1 bounce, if SMALL and not too bad, is recoverable on landing. If you bounce 2x though, GO AROUND, or your 3rd bounce will be an insurance claim.

Not really that different from any other spring gear aircraft, but make no mistake, these are not Stinsons, Pipers, or Beechs with oleo struts!!!
Good advice and is right in line with what I was thinking. I never had to do a go around in all the years of Husky flying but my 7 humbled me fast. Going to take my time getting used to it and keep some weight in the back seat.The 3rd bounce is usually the worst!
Yep. In a Rocket, the third bounce takes out the prop. Easy to land, but early in the game you NEVER try to "save" a botched one.
Keep it simple...

Good advice and is right in line with what I was thinking. I never had to do a go around in all the years of Husky flying but my 7 humbled me fast. Going to take my time getting used to it and keep some weight in the back seat.The 3rd bounce is usually the worst!

I flew my HR2 for 6 years and nearly 1000 hours. Landings were primarily on my home turf strip or pavement when away from home. My home strip was short (1700') and rough.
Over many hours I found my HR2 had two best landing techniques, wheels landing on pavement (flown on, on speed 70 KIAS) or three point on turf (65KIAS power on to touchdown).

With practice you can consistently make acceptable, safe wheels landings which provide better forward visibility, better rudder effectiveness (especially an RV4 empennage on an HR2) and more precise control on narrow or wet runways or at night when your landing light is optimized in level flight. Once mastered you can roll it on pavement with almost no gear flexing and hold the tail up almost down to walking speed with a bit of wind...On turf you can land 3 point and safely stop in under 1000'.

Congrats, you'll learn to love the Rocket.


PS: It's the closest airplane to the F16C that I could afford!
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Any of you guys have a copy of a POH I can get for a rough reference?

I have a POH that might be of some use. Let me know if you want it and I?ll find a way to send it (currently on my boat in Desolation Sound).