
Well Known Member
My wife and I are making a car trip around the NW US and BC in August. We will be visiting Nelson BC approx. 8/8 -8/9.

I'd like to visit the airport and meet any local Rvers. Please give a shout out if you are available.

Larry Tompkins
544WB RV-6A
W52 Battle Ground, WA
Oliver B.C. Fly-In & breakfast SOFC aug 11th.

Larry, if you are in southern BC, you can surely hit this nice little fly-in at Oliver.

Saturday September the 8th is the Nelson flight fest, 100 year anniversary of aviation in Nelson!
Oliver Fly-In breakfast

August 11th is our annual Fly-In, Drive-in, Walk-in breakfast at the Oliver airport (CAU3). Oliver BC Canada.
Breakfast is from 9am to 11am. All welcome.
70 aircraft and 300 breakfasts served last year!
Lots of RV's!!! Come on down!
Link to last year's video:

Hope you can make it.