
Well Known Member
While deciding on which kit is best for my purposes....

I would be more than happy to buck some to get a feel for what it's like first hand to build. Even a ride in the -10 and a -7 would be nice :D. I'll pay for gas!! :)

Just shoot me a message!!!
Contact Peter Laurence (RV-9A) He is currently riveting the fuselage tail cone together. He can always use help riveting. He can probably set you up for a ride in a 7. One of his friends at HWO has one. I also believe one of his neighbors (Rich Jankowski) just bought a 10.
Contact him at [email protected]
You are welcome to stop by and see my 8A project in Pompano Beach. However, I'm currently stringing wires everywhere. Most of the riveting is already done on mine. There are about 2 dozen RV builders in this area.
It's a start.


Thanks for the starting points. Just waitng on a response from Peter. Meanwhile, I've been looking into the local chapters as suggested.

Next is to get my wife to jump on the boat of fun. Where's the next local flyin? Maybe that will help. She hasn't flown with me yet. Hmmm....
