
Well Known Member
My son(who has helped me build our 9A.......to keep this somewhat RV related) has gotten an internship at JSC in Houston starting in January. We have looked through the website they provide with many of the rooms for rent in peoples houses, but he also wants to know what apartments are available. Can anyone with knowledge of the Houston area provide some guidance? He obviously needs it furnished. He will be there from late Jan through late May.
I recall a similar post as this a while back but couldn't find it after searching.
Thank You!!
My wife helped that last VAF JSC intern find housing. The offers provided were exclusively rooms in the homes of affluent people just wanting to help an ambitious kid succeed. Several of the offers came from former JSC engineers. Rent $ was next to nothing, in most cases.

As far as apartments go, you can find some fairly ratty units around the University of Houston Clear Lake. Nice one-bedroom unfurnished apartments in the JSC area rent for $1000.+ / month; expect more for a short term lease.

Let me know if we can help.

Ron B.
Thanks Ron, I think he may have to "settle" for a room instead of an apartment. He's in a dorm now so it's not that much different really. Finding a furnished apartment for only 4 months would be difficult. The prices for rooms are all around $500. If you guys have any good suggestions you can email or PM me. I am leaning towards one for him that is a 2 BR garage apartment so he would be sharing the kitchen/living room with only one other intern. Sounds pretty good.
Thanks Ron, I think he may have to "settle" for a room instead of an apartment. He's in a dorm now so it's not that much different really. Finding a furnished apartment for only 4 months would be difficult. The prices for rooms are all around $500. If you guys have any good suggestions you can email or PM me. I am leaning towards one for him that is a 2 BR garage apartment so he would be sharing the kitchen/living room with only one other intern. Sounds pretty good.

Please provide, via PM or email, a brief bio about your son and we will float some feelers to see what offers surface.

Ron B.
One other possible option is to rent an unfurnished apartment and then furnish it via Craig’s List and thrift stores. We successfully did this for both daughters and 4 times including grad school and a 3 month internship in the DFW area. The cost of furniture bought this way was equal to about one month’s additional rent for a furnished place.

Just a suggestion.