Hi Dick,

Sorry for bothering you, just wondering, is this something new. I didn't know Vetterman sold muffled exhaust. He doesn't have a website, so I can't check it out. Could you describe it to me, I know what the unmuffled exhaust looks like, have those on my -7. Anyone else out there know if anyone is flying with this muffled exhaust and know how it is performing with respect to performance decrease?

Thank you,
Performance Increase

I just started a new thread on this. If you look at the most recent RVator, it may possibly be a significant performance INCREASE. See the RV-10 speed comparisons on the same airplane/engine with 3 different exhaust systems. In short, a 2 pipe, individually muffled exhaust added about 20HP and 8 mph over a standard non muffled exhaust.