Little Wing

Active Member
So I finally got a hangar KLZU and have been trying to get quotes to move my RV8 fuselage to the airport. Flat bed tow companies are not interested. I only received one quote for $1200 for a 13 mile move. The box trucks with a lift gate are commercial use only. Looking into tow trailers now without much luck. Anyone with advise or with a trailer who wants to make some cash would be welcome.
I'm 13 miles north of Gwinnett County Airport.

Home Depot

You could rent a truck & trailer from Home Depot for a couple hundred. Use a come along to winch it up or down. Friend moved his that way.

Also check your local EAA Chapter. They probably know someone.
I just moved my RV8 fuse to the airport this week. The flatbed truck was 21 foot and everything fitted. Another RV8 owner on the field moved his with a 19foot flatbed and the tailwheel was hanging off the end. My local HD doesn't have anything longer than 10footer. The local Uhaul has a 20footer but it will be difficult to move a completed fuse with gear and engine without a winch.
My move was 31 miles and the mover charged 371. Not bad I thought.
I was able to rent a "tilt bed" truck locally, the kind they use to move disabled cars, from a large rental place. Wheelbase of a -10 just fit. Had a cable to winch It up.
This is how I moved mine. Actually twice. Once to Chino airport and then from there to Cable airport in SoCal. Bout 15 miles each time. Tilt bed tow truck. $150 each time. That was 2015, so price it with inflation. Hard to believe a tow company near ATL can’t do the same. Used the same company each time. They took pictures of it themselves as the driver had not towed a plane before.


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It took me many phone calls to find a flat bed operator willing to move my RV8. As it turns out, the one I found was into airplanes and aviation! The issue with all the others was insurance. They were limited to cars and trucks. I did not limit myself to tow companies. I also tried equipment haulers.

Have you called every flatbed company within 30 miles? Flatbed is the way to go IMHO. Very easy, safe, secure. I was pleasantly surprised with how easy and painless the move was. It was a bit expensive, ~$600. I probably paid for their insurance. But it was worth every penny and came out to about .0048% of the value of the plane.
I used a 16 foot car trailer that my Brother-in-law was able to borrow. It was just big enough to get all three wheels on. I would think you'd be able to rent one from a tool rental business. Of course you'll also need a way to tow it.


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... Flat bed tow companies are not interested...

I needed a car moved and called a few flat bed tow companies. They were all very busy and were proving to be hard to deal with. Instead, I drove into town and saw an unmarked flatbed parked in front of an auto body shop.

I stopped in and asked if they'd be interested in moving the car for me. They were very willing to help were and much easier to deal with than the proper flat bed companies who are always on call for accidents and disabled vehicles, etc.
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So I stumbled upon a website last night called Simply fill out the request and people will submit their quote for your review. Had two offers within 12 hours. Found a local guy, who has his own hauling business, with a 24 foot car trailer and truck willing to move my plane for 151 bucks.
Thanks for the great ideas especially about the local EAA which has a 16 footer so that will be plan B.
Safe flights,
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