Tom Martin

Well Known Member

Wayne Hadath in his F1 and I in my EVO F1 just returned from a visit with George Fisher. George lives in Newark (New ark) Delaware and is building an EVO wing F1. Wayne and I had been looking for somewhere to fly and since George and his significant other live in a neat place we decided to impose on them! We left on Wednesday from southern Ontario Canada. Our first leg took us over Lake Erie and we cleared customs in Erie. After that is was a short hop down to Cumberland Maryland. We had lunch there and tried to plan how we were going to get to George?s airport, Cecil County, 58M, Maryland. Normally we could have flown directly there but Mr Bush was travelling that day and there were TFRs every where we needed to fly. Flight service suggested an ADIZ flight plan through Washington/ Baltimore airspace so we filed and off we went. The controller let us into the area when he was convinced, by our ground track, that we knew where we were going. (I am totally addicted to gps navigation) While crossing that airspace, numerous times we heard radio calls from ?Marine 1? At one time our flight path took us over a five helicopter formation flying directly to the center of the TFR. It is quite possible that my little homemade airplane, in primer colours, was within a few miles of your president. Pretty cool eh! The flight was uneventful and we now have ADIZ time logged. George met us and after chatting for a while I gave George his first EVO ride. It is beautiful country south of the airport, still quite rural with lots of rivers and canals. George made all the right sounds so I decided to return him safely to the ground and we were off to meet his family. He treated us to a marvellous meal and I experienced my first ?crab dish?, it was well worth the trip. We inspected his EVO project and called it a night.

The next morning we were supposed to head home but I called home to tell my wife that we were ?good weathered in? and that we would be spending another day. So off we went to Ocean City, 26N. This is on the New Jersey coast, just south of Atlantic City. There were three planes, mine, Wayne?s F1 and a local RV4. I was running 22.5 inches, 2100 rpm and burning 10 gallons. The RV4 was running 2600 rpm and burning 11 gallons. Life is good. After a nice breakfast in a very busy airport restaurant we headed south along the coast and we flew around the whole southern tip of the New Jersey peninsula. The visibility was unlimited, the wind and water calm and we had one of those lifetime flying memory flights. We did not fly so low as to see too many bikinis but Wayne was discussing the size of the dorsal fin of what we think was a small pair of whales.

That afternoon George put us to work and we helped him buck a few hard to get at rivets. More food and refreshments and another day was done. This morning, after our flight planning, we returned home to Canada in 2.0 hours. Amazing, the Chesapeake Bay to Canada, in two hours; these are time machines.
What contiuously amazes me is how fuel effiecient these aircraft are. At ten gallons an hour I am covering between 170 to 190 nm. Yes fuel prices are higher now but this is still a very economical way to travel with none of the automotive traffice hassles or the airline parking and security issues. Fuel prices limit the number of after supper flights I take but it will have to get a lot higher than it is now to keep me from seeing new spots and spending time with new friends.

Tom Martin

Tom Martin
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