Don Patrick

Well Known Member
Anyone heading to Peterborough for lunch this coming Sunday? The weather looks good and for any RVer that hasn't been there, the little restaurant isn't bad at all.

Until I get my -8 completed, I'm flying a spam can there to meet Fern Villeneuve in his globe Swift at 1100hrs.

If anyone has an -8 and is interested in coming down, I'll buy you lunch and pay for you gas if I scam a ride! Never been in an -8 yet, even though I'm at the finish kit stage!


Peterborough isn't going to work for me tomorrow, but I'd be happy to take you up in the RV-8 some other time. I've pondered checking out the Skyway Cafe at Oshawa for lunch, so maybe we could meet there someday. Peterborough would work too, just not tomorrow.
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Hey Peter

Hey Peter,

It was good to meet you yesterday! You're plane looks great and nice work on it.

