
Well Known Member
Also, applying to job at Aircraft Propeller in Lake Zurich, IL.

Any contacts here I can use as a Reference?

Still have our house up there so we can move ASAP.



We are great just homesick.

Still have our house back home and want to go back.

Need a job up there first though.

I'm still at Boeing until then.

Hope you guys are OK too?

Other than conversing with you on the phone, we haven't met. Cathy and I are in Charleston (Daniel Island) until Thanksgiving. Perhaps we can get together by then. Chicago is also our hometown and will be visiting there later this month for a celebration of life gathering for one of my friends since grade school.

My -12 is based out of DYB. I've just installed a new generation 4 Jabiru engine and prop and modifying some wiring. Should be ready to fly in a week or so. Perhaps we can meet at JZI or meet in Charleston for lunch or dinner. Send me a PM if we can work something out.

Of course, whenever visiting Chicago I must extinguish my Chicago dog, Italian beef, and pizza, low level warning light!

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Tom Valenzia


Love to meet you guys on a weekend while you're here.

Boeing's working my butt off M-F.

Come for Dogs when we get back home anytime.

We are 15-20 mins from ORD and 5 from Portillo's!

Tom S,

Can I use you an Industry reference TS Flightlines?

Anybody got a connection to Aircraft Propeller Service in Lake Zurich, IL or any other connections I can network to a job up there?

Boeing SC isn?t like Boeing Washington. I was offered a job at SC more than once and passed.
At least there?s several aviation options in Chicago. Have you tried United or southwest?
Good luck getting back home.
You're not by any chance related to a Jim Pappas who used to be a counselor to kids at a YMCA day camp at Esterbrook park in Milwaukee about 65 years ago, are you?