
Well Known Member
No doubt about it: my HR2 with -4 tail feathers needs more elevator trim tab.
This cat has been skinned before. See this short thread:
Unfortunately, the pix in the tread no longer post.
Anyone have any details on the trim tab mod referred to?
I‘m about to make a new tab with about 20% more chord, but I’d like to go down a road successfully traveled instead of throwing my TLAR ideas into the air. ;-)

I‘m about to make a new tab with about 20% more chord, but I’d like to go down a road successfully traveled instead of throwing my TLAR ideas into the air. ;-)

Wise. I'm sure you know about this crash which resulted from the failure of a trim tab.

While I doubt an RV or a Rocket would be as difficult to control without the trim tab, I'm sure you can think of scenarios where a failure would result in a very bad day.
Just curious what the issue is? Not enough nose up trim available during landing? Or something else.......
I to am curious what your issue is. I have a standard RV4 tail on my rocket and have plenty of trim. Is your trim manual or electric and if electric there are at least 3 different Ray Allen trim servo's with different throws. Any chance you just don't have enough throw?
I have the longest travel RA servo.
Wing and stab incidences are correct
-With a 165 lb pax and 90 lbs of baggage I run out of nose down trim in cruise.
-Solo with 1/2 fuel and no baggage, I’m short of nose up trim unless I land no flap.
I can bias the tab’s travel to cover a CG with 40 lbs of ballast in the baggage compartment, but that isn’t optimum.
I need a larger tab and it appears other Harmons have had the same issue.
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I wonder if your trim tab was built with the longer(manual) tab lever. Electric trim tabs should have a shorter lever, giving the servo more ‘sweep’.
Maybe someone can measure their tab skin to link distance to test if this theory might be the issue.
Excellent suggestion, Ralph. I will check the plans and measure.
I’m still hoping for more info on the larger tab mentioned in Smoky’’s 2009 thread.
I think Ralph is probably correct. Without measuring I can’t tell you what my exact throws are on my tab but I would guess at least 45deg. My tab is standard size for an RV4. I have never run out of trim in any load configuration.
EDIT: The -7 and -8 actuator to horn attach point for electric trim is indeed closer to the hinge point. It’s obvious that my trim tab was set up originally as a -4 with manual trim. I shall copy the -7 trim tab horn for electric trim and I think my problem will be solved.
Thanks for the input.
I really do wish someone would chime in ref the larger rocket trim tab. It is a curiosity.
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