
Well Known Member
A Formation clinic was held at Lake Havasu AZ over last weekend. This clinic was a first for Arizona.
We had a safe and enjoyable clinic despite the cold front that passed through on Friday. This clinic included 30 RV's and three Thorp T-18?s .
Photo's by Pat Dulaney- below is the "London Bridge"


This clinic was planned to be a ?small? event so it was not advertised. So much for small! Why the T-18's??
The Thorp T-18?s will be celebrating ?50? this year at OSH and will be in formation over show center!


We had pilots from CA,AZ,NV,TX,CO,NM. Also a 3-ship from the Mississippi Valley had to get some snow skiing in after a few days of great flying :D:D
What great pilots and new friends a person can meet at these events!

Especially the last photo.


A Formation clinic was held at Lake Havasu AZ over last weekend. This clinic was a first for Arizona.
We had a safe and enjoyable clinic despite the cold front that passed through on Friday. This clinic included 30 RV's and three Thorp T-18?s .
Photo's by Pat Dulaney- below is the "London Bridge"


This clinic was planned to be a ?small? event so it was not advertised. So much for small! Why the T-18's??
The Thorp T-18?s will be celebrating ?50? this year at OSH and will be in formation over show center!


We had pilots from CA,AZ,NV,TX,CO,NM. Also a 3-ship from the Mississippi Valley had to get some snow skiing in after a few days of great flying :D:D
What great pilots and new friends a person can meet at these events!
Guys, where are these events advertised? I would like to get involved in a future formation clinic, but am not sure how to find out when/where they are taking place. Thanks very much.
It sounds like you guys had a blast. Sorry I couldn't make it. I'm glad the Albuquerque group was represented by Vyking and Goat though--I would have just embarrassed them! :)
Nice hotel

Very nice pictures.............

Now a quick hi-jack of this thread :D: The wife and me stayed in this place ones, well known for its "London bridge". We stayed in the design hotel you see on the left, right beside the bridge, called the Heat Hotel (bottom of the picture 1/4 from the left). I can recommend it for its very nice and big suites, on the kay, with a view of the bridge.

Sorry for the hi-jack, regards, Tonny.
Tailwind orchestrated a top-notch clinic, and worked his tailpipe off doing it. Nice work Brad!!

Along with some great training for Rookies, Novices, Intermediates and Advanced pilots, we had successful checkrides for 2 Wingmen, 1 Flight Lead, and 1 Check Pilot. Congrats to all!

Top it off with great BBQ at Waldo's at the Havasu Airport, good times flying with with new and old friends, then cavorting about at some nice restaurants in town, and it made for a great weekend of formation flying!! We all hope Brad will make this an annual event!! :)

Here's another neat picture taken by "Dulette" Dulaney:

Someone thought this might be a good poker hand, calling it "Four 8's and a Joker". :eek: I'll get him (I don't get mad, I get even! :D)

Great clinic Brad...thanks!!

The Havasu clinic was great!

This was my 5th clinic and it was certainly one of the best!
Brad Ransom (Tailwind) and his helpers did a fantastic job.
I too hope this will be a yearly event.

On Wednesday the 6th I met two of my friends, David Bray and Randal Warren in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Soon we headed west on what was to become a great adventure!!

It was great to make new friends and see some old ones.
One of the highlights for me was flying on Bob Mills (Nasty) wing during some four ship practice. Thanks Nasty for a great flight!

And of course I can't forget the all up when Bravo flight (lead by Tailwind) joins with Alfa flight and I find myself in trail on "Slick" and dressing off of "Condor" and "Nasty". No pressure :eek:

Another great photo by Pat Dulaney!
This one is Jim Thorne's RV-7A in F-86 Sabre paint with gunports! I'm riding as safety pilot with Jim. He did a great job!

Thanks Brad for an exceptional clinic!!!

Mark (Drone)
But the Joker has six (6) cylinders. :)

So did the guy that called me a Joker...ah what the heck...truth hurts, eh! :p

Ahh yes, but there are two 6-Cyl's in the picture!

I thought this 5 ship echelon would be a great Calendar contender-
Glad you posted it Bob.


Great pictures guys.

Congrats to the guys who passed check flights.!

Chris M


Our newest Wingmen are Brian "Torch" Wampler (RV-8) and Scott "Ginsu" Ginn (T-18...workin' him hard on getting an RV!). Our newest Flight Lead is Hans "Cobra" Meisler (RV-4), and our newest Check Pilot is Jim "Gringo" Gray (RV-8). Congrats to all of you, and nice flying!!

This was my 5th clinic and it was certainly one of the best!

It was great to make new friends and see some old ones.
One of the highlights for me was flying on Bob Mills (Nasty) wing during some four ship practice. Thanks Nasty for a great flight!

And of course I can't forget the all up when Bravo flight (lead by Tailwind) joins with Alfa flight and I find myself in trail on "Slick" and dressing off of "Condor" and "Nasty". No pressure :eek:

Jim Thorne's RV-7A in F-86 Sabre paint with gunports!

Mark (Drone)

Mark, it was a pleasure to meet and fly with you! Thanks for coming all that way to the clinic! It was also special for me to fly with an orange and white plane for the first time in a long time (brought back good Navy memories!). And I was dressing off you in the all-up, and you were rock solid! Nice flying!! :)

Jim's "Sabre" is sure a nice looking machine! :cool:

Here's another pic. The camera can often be very revealing (and very unforgiving) of the slightest positional error, as we all constantly work to get in, stay in...then get back in. Every once in a while amazing shots come through, and they are neat to see. Below (IMHO) is the picture that you will see if you look up close trail in the dictionary! Sean "Goose" Farrell is flying close trail on lead Tim "Tank" Redden. As Tank aptly described it, Goose is Hooked Up! If you can tell where one tail ends and the other begins, ya got better eyes then I do! Very Nice Boyz! ;)


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